W3C at View Source conference

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View Source Amsterdam 2019

If you are into the open Web and want to catch up on current and future exciting Web developments, then register to the View Source conference which W3C is helping organize in Amsterdam, on September 30 and October 1st!

This year, the conference highlights how browser vendors and others, create and support Web standards. In addition of two full days of talks, this 5th edition gives more space to collaboration and sharing via breakout sessions and engagement programs, called "Conversation Corners".

W3C is staffing one of these corners, "Meet the W3C", on Tuesday 1st October, at 3pm.  The W3C developers team, Dominique Hazaël-Massieux and Marie-Claire Forgue, along with Yoav Weiss (co-chair of the Web Platform Incubator Community Group) and W3C Staff Hidde de Vries, are ready to answer any questions you may have on how Web standards are built and how you too can get involved.

View Source Amsterdam is produced by Mozilla and was formed in collaboration with Microsoft, Google, Samsung, and W3C through the MDN Product Advisory Board. W3C supports and takes part to ensure exposure of ongoing standardization efforts to which developers can contribute. Get your ticket now!

A whole week of Web!

Looking to celebrate the whole week of Web? On Tuesday October 1st, there’s a post-View Source & pre-Fronteers social event. Hosted by the folks at Poki, who are on a mission to make Web games awesome again. Space is limited though, so RSVP here.

On Wednesday 2 October, the Web activities continue with a Hack on MDN event, a day with a lot of hacking, chatting, food, and fun around MDN, the collaborative documentation platform for Web standards. The MDN team is looking for help and contributions in many areas, such as fleshing out MDN's data about browser compatibility, and documenting Web standards, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web APIs.

Finally, extend your week's experience with the Fronteers Conference, 3-4 October, in Amsterdam too! Organized by Fronteers, the Dutch professional association for front-end developers and W3C member, this event is one of Europe’s premiere conferences on front-end Web development. Check out their awesome program and the spectacular line-up of 19 speakers!

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