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W3C Chairs angels
Some of you are familiar with the W3C Chairs angels, three home-made bots living in IRC, that are truly essential to the W3C Working Groups conducting their work on the phone: Trackbot, the toolbox, is the bot for creating and...
Musing with Element Traversal
The new Element Traversal specification is out and here is a way to enjoy it today.
- webapps
W3C Validator, now with HTML5 flavour
For too long we struggled with the tension between “perfect support for standards” and “be cutting edge to help develop better new technologies”. With the latest version of our Markup Validator, integrating with the engine, comes part of the solution.
- html
- html5
- validator
- validatornu
- w3c
Do Not Steal My SVG Semantics
Auhtoring SVG became easier, but authoring tools have a tendency to forget the intended semantics. Please, do not steal my semantics. I want my square and circles.
- authoring
- svg
W3C Chairs T-Shirt
This year the chairs have a t-shirt. Discover the story behind this.
- bots
- chair
- t-shirt
- tpac
- tpac2008
- w3c
- working-group
HTML 5 And The Hear-Write Web
Is there a way to improve the HTML ecosystem in a way that creates more adoption of HTML 5? From parsing to serialization to fixing, how do we recover broken Web documents?
- conformance
- html
- html5
- quality
- specification
Alexa Global Top 500 against HTML 5 validation
Following Brian Wilson lead and his validity survey, I tested against html 5. Less than 1% of top 500 Alexa Web sites seems to pass html 5 conformance checking.
- html
- html5
- python
- validation
- validator
HTML 5, a new step
HTML 5 conformance checking has been integrated into the beta W3C Markup Validator.
- conformance-checker
- html
- html5
- validation
- validator
Markup Validator Updated
New release for W3C's most popular open source service: fewer bugs, more document types supported, more fun to hack with, and a few other goodies in the mix.
- html