Blog - microdata
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HTML Working Group updated HTML 5.1, HTML Canvas 2D Context, Level 2, and HTML Microdata
By: Ivan Herman
- html
- microdata
- new-w3c-documents
Maori Ito presents Enhanced search for life science databases with proposed extension
- hcls
- microdata
- schema-org
RDFa, Microdata, and RDF (Two Notes Published by the W3C HTML Data Task Force)
- dublin-core
- html5
- microdata
- microformat
- rdf
- rdfa
- schema-org
Microdata to RDF Distiller
As reported in the Semantic Web Activity Blog, a new Interest Group Note has just been published, documenting the extraction algorithm from HTML5+Microdata to RDF. The algorithm replaces the one that was part of an earlier version of the Microdata+HTML5...
- html
- html5
- microdata
- rdf
- semantic-web
Proposing two new SW Interest Group Task Forces
One of the exciting events of the past few months was the joint announcement of from three major search engine providers (Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft). It was a major step in the recognition that structured data, embedded in Web...
- html
- html5
- microdata
- microformat
- rdfa