Blog - microformat
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RDFa, Microdata, and RDF (Two Notes Published by the W3C HTML Data Task Force)
- dublin-core
- html5
- microdata
- microformat
- rdf
- rdfa
- schema-org
Proposing two new SW Interest Group Task Forces
One of the exciting events of the past few months was the joint announcement of from three major search engine providers (Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft). It was a major step in the recognition that structured data, embedded in Web...
- html
- html5
- microdata
- microformat
- rdfa
Data interchange problems come in all sizes
I had a pretty small data interchange problem the other day: I just wanted to archive some play lists that I had compiled using various music player daemon (mpd) clients. The mpd server stores playlists as simple m3u files,...
- digital-media
- html
- microformat
- music
- rdfa
- web-architecture
The War of the Worlds
Some people are amazing, they are creators. They make complex things, beautiful and simple. They make the world a place of exploration and discovering.
- html
- html5
- javascript
- microformat
- rdfa
- semantic-web
Meet the HTML Working Group chairs in Austin at SxSWi
By: Dan Connolly
I enjoyed living in Austin and I like to visit when I can. My last trip was more for MIT research stuff; this time it's W3C business. I took SxSWi 2007 off my travel schedule when the TAG scheduled a...
- austin
- html
- microformat
- sxsw
- w3c
- xhtml