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RDFa Core 1.1, RDFa Lite 1.1 and XHTML+RDFa 1.1 are W3C recommendation
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- rdfa
- w3c-recommendation
- xhtml
- xml
RDFa 1.1 Core, RDFa Lite and XHTML+RDFa published as Candidate Recommendations
- html
- rdf
- rdfa
- xhtml
- xml
XHTML Modularization: a markup language designer's toolkit
The current maintenance update to XHTML Modularization is in response to the inevitable bug reports and clarifications that come from actual use. Since there have recently been some misconceptions expressed about the purpose of the spec, I'd thought I'd take...
- dtd
- html
- markup
- xhtml
RDFa 1.1 version of the pyRdfa distiller
W3C has just published a First Public Working Draft for RDFa 1.1 Core and XHTML+RDFa 1.1. Yay! I did have an RDFa Distiller software and service for RDFa 1.0. Well, I did spend some time in the past few weeks...
- html
- rdfa
- xhtml
Default Prefix Declaration
In this posting, my intention is to provide a concise statement of an idea which is neither particularly new nor particularly mine, but which needs a place that can be referenced in the context of the current debate about distributed extensibility and HTML5. It's a very simple proposal to provide an out-of-band, defaultable, document-scoped means to declare namespace prefix bindings.
- extensibility
- html5
- namespaces
- xhtml
- xml
RDFa and SVG Tiny (and the RDFa distiller)
W3C has just published the SVG Tiny 1.2 recommendation. Others are much more experts than me to describe the changes in the core functionality compared to the 1.1 version, so I let them do that. However, there is an interesting...
- metadata
- rdf
- rdfa
- semantic-web
- svg
- xhtml
Amaya Also for RDFa
Irène Vatton has just announced the availability of the latest Amaya version, namely Amaya 11. (For those who may not know what Amaya is, it is an open source (X)HTML browser and editor in one.) The interesting point in this...
- html
- open-source
- rdf
- rdfa
- semantic-web
- xhtml