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Community & Business Groups

ORTC (Object Real-time Communications) Community Group

The mission of the Object Real-Time Communications Community Group, is to define Object-centric APIs (client-side at first) to enable Real-Time Communications in Web browsers, Mobile endpoints and Servers.

Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time

Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.

Drafts / licensing info

Date Name
Object RTC (ORTC) API for WebRTC [2014/08/19]
Object RTC (ORTC) API for WebRTC [2014/05/14]
Object RTC (ORTC) API for WebRTC

ORTC Draft Report Update

Updated ORTC CG Draft Report / API:

B.1 Changes since 01 March 2016

  1. Added the gather() method, as noted in: Issue 165
  2. Removed “public” from RTCIceGatherPolicy, as noted in: Issue 224
  3. Removed the minQuality attribute, as noted in: Issue 351
  4. Made send() and receive() asynchronous, as noted in: Issue 399, Issue 463, Issue 468 and Issue 469
  5. Provided additional information on ICE candidate errors, as noted in: Issue 402
  6. Added state attribute to RTCSctpTransport, as noted in: Issue 403
  7. Provided an example of RTX/RED/FEC configuration, as noted in: Issue 404
  8. Clarified payloadType uniqueness, as noted in: Issue 405
  9. Updated the list of header extensions, as noted in: Issue 409
  10. Added “goog-remb” to the list of feedback mechanisms, as noted in: Issue 410
  11. Added kind argument to the RTCRtpReceiver constructor, as noted in: Issue 411
  12. Clarified send() restrictions on kind, as noted in: Issue 414
  13. Added getAlgorithm() method, as noted in: Issue 427
  14. Changed RTCDataChannel protocol and label to USVString, as noted in: Issue 429
  15. Clarified nullable attributes and methods returning empty lists, as noted in: Issue 433
  16. Clarified support for the “direction” parameter, as noted in: Issue 442
  17. Clarified the apt capability of the “red” codec, as noted in: Issue 444
  18. Clarified usage of RTCRtpEncodingParameters attributes, as noted in: Issue 445
  19. Clarified firing of onssrcconflict event, as noted in: Issue 448
  20. Clarified that CNAME is only set on an RTCRtpSender, as noted in: Issue 450
  21. Updated references, as noted in: Issue 457
  22. Described behavior of send() and receive() with unset RTCRtpEncodingParameters, as noted in: Issue 461
  23. Corrected dictionary initialization in the examples, noted in: Issue 464 and Issue 465
  24. Corrected use of enums in the examples, noted in: Issue 466
  25. Clarified handling of identity constraints, as noted in: Issue 467 and Issue 468
  26. Clarified use of RTCRtpEncodingParameters, as noted in: Issue 470
  27. Changed hostCandidate type, as noted in: Issue 474
  28. Renamed state change event handlers to onstatechange, as noted in: Issue 475
  29. Updated description of RTCIceGatherer closed state, as noted in: Issue 476
  30. Updated description of RTCIceTransport object, as noted in: Issue 477
  31. Updated description of relatedPort, as noted in: Issue 484
  32. Updated description of RTCIceParameters, as noted in: Issue 485
  33. Clarified exceptions in RTCDataChannel construction, as noted in: Issue 492
  34. Provided a reference to error.message, as noted in: Issue 495
  35. Clarified RTCRtpReceiver description, as noted in: Issue 496
  36. Clarified default for clockRate attribute, as noted in: Issue 500
  37. Removed use of “null if unset”, as noted in: Issue 503
  38. Updated RTCSctpTransport constructor, as noted in: Issue 504
  39. Clarified behavior of getCapabilities(), as noted in: Issue 509
  40. Addressed issues with RTCDataChannelParameters, as noted in: Issue 519

W3C ORTC CG Meeting 10 – November 20 2015

When: November 20, 2015 10am Pacific


Video: coming




Review action items from last meeting

Review open issues:

Review current draft: (upper right hand side)

Review implementation progress: ORTC Lib, MS Edge, Google ?

Review ORTC Spec alignment with WebRTC WG 1.0 spec, review WebRTC NV direction.

ORTC CG Editors Draft Update – June 22 2015

Big thanks to everyone (especially Bernard) for putting in the extra work required here for our next CG meeting:

Draft Community Group Report 22 June 2015

B.1 Changes since 7 May 2015

  1. Addressed Philipp Hancke’s review comments, as noted in: Issue 198
  2. Added the “failed” state to RTCIceTransportState, as noted in: Issue 199
  3. Added text relating to handling of incoming media packets prior to remote fingerprint verification, as noted in: Issue 200
  4. Added a complete attribute to the RTCIceCandidateComplete dictionary, as noted in: Issue 207
  5. Updated the description of RTCIceGatherer.close() and the “closed” state, as noted in: Issue 208
  6. Updated Statistics API error handling to reflect proposed changes to the WebRTC 1.0 API, as noted in: Issue 214
  7. Updated Section 10 (RTCDtmfSender) to reflect changes in the WebRTC 1.0 API, as noted in: Issue 215
  8. Clarified state transitions due to consent failure, as noted in: Issue 216
  9. Added a reference to [FEC], as noted in: Issue 217

ORTC CG Meeting 9 – June 24, 10am PDT

Video recording:

Slides: ORTC-CG-2015-06-24

IRC Chat: channel: ORTC


When: June 24, 2015 10am PDT


Review action items from last meeting:

– RTCIceCandidateComplete dictionary

– RTCIceGatherer.close affect on RTCIceTransport / RTCDtlsTransport

– Comments added to #200
Incoming media prior to Remote Fingerprint Verification

– Comments added to #170, Peter to send fuller proposal to list
Response to connectivity checks prior to calling iceTransport.start()?

– Original #188 – Priority Calculation, new bug #209
Trying to remove RTCIceTransport.createAssociatedTransport(component)

– Philipp Hancke’s Review Comments

Review open issues:

Review current draft: (upper right hand side)

Review implementation progress: ORTC Lib, MS Edge, Google ?

Review ORTC CG alignment with WebRTC WG and 1.0 spec.

Questions, comments?

Plan next meeting.

ORTC CG Meeting 8

ORTC CG Meeting 8 will be held on May 13 at 10am – Pacific Daylight Time.

Video Recording




Updated ORTC API 3/25/2015

The ORTC Editors Draft has been updated today:

B.1 Changes since 22 January 2015

  1. Updated Section 8.3 on RTP matching rules, as noted in: Issue 48
  2. Further updates to the Statistics API, reflecting: Issue 85
  3. Added support for maxptime, as noted in: Issue 160
  4. Revised the text relating to RTCDtlsTransport.start(), as noted in: Issue 168
  5. Clarified handling of incoming connectivity checks by the RTCIceGatherer, as noted in: Issue 170
  6. Added Section, defining DTMF capabilities and settings, as noted in: Issue 177
  7. Clarified pre-requisites for insertDTMF(), based on: Issue 178
  8. Added Section 13.4 and updated Section 9.5.1 to clarify aspects of RTCP sending and receiving, based on: Issue 180
  9. Fixed miscellaneous typos, as noted in: Issue 183
  10. Added informative reference to [RFC3264] Section 5.1, as noted in: Issue 184

Now that we have an updated draft we will be calling for the next ORTC Community Group meeting. That post will follow soon.

ORTC W3C CG Meeting 7

Minutes: ORTC CG 7

Slides: ORTC-CG-2015-01-27

22 January 2015 Editor’s draft:

Changes from the October 14 Editor’s Draft:

WebRTC 1.0 compatibility

  • Statistics API Update (Issue 85)
  • H.264 parameters update (Issue 158)
  • Support for maxptime (Issue 160)
  • RTCRtpUnhandledEvent update (Issue 163)
  • Support for RTCIceGatherer.state (Issue 164)

Call for Implementations

Existing reference implementations:

– ORTC Library:
– Call for help, there is plenty to do, some examples:
> Browsers: JS Shim work
> Servers: Node.js work eg. SIP to ORTC Gateway

UPDATE: ORTC CG Meeting 7 will be held on January 27 at 9am – Pacific Standard Time.

UPDATE Video Bridge (Chrome Required)




As a follow-up to the recent email list posting, here are some proposed dates/times for ORTC CG Meeting 7. Please indicate your preference on dates/times here:

Note: I have kept the meeting times in the morning to aid in EU / Overseas member participation.

We would like to use Jitsi for this one again. Emil, would you be ok with that? If so is this the correct link?

Draft Agenda

Review of spec changes

Review of issues:
Issue 48 (Matching Rules)
Issue 165 (ICE re-gathering)
Issue 167 (DTLS role)
Issue 168 (DTLS interop)

Call for Implementations: Share what you are working on!

Existing reference implementations:

– ORTC Library (incomplete):

There is plenty to do! Some examples:
– Browsers: JS shim work
– Servers: Node.js work eg. SIP to ORTC Gateway

See something missing? Please reply to the mail list posting with your comments.

W3C ORTC CG in Top 5

Thought some of you might get a kick out of knowing that our little CG formed in August 2013 is already in the top 5 for CG activity in the W3C.  (just barely edging out the competition)

2014 has been a banner year for Real Time Communications and 2015 will be even more exciting. A big thank you to our member participants for their continued support and contributions!

Happy holidays everyone.

W3C ORTC CG Activity
Thanks to Mark Nottingham for producing this graph!