The eGovernment Interest Group charter has been extended until 30 September 2009.
The group published its primary deliverable, an Interest
Group Note on Improving Access to Government through Better Use
of the Web, and has also met its other success criterion to form a community bringing together various perspectives on eGovernment and the Web.
The eGov IG has asked for additional time following the publication of this Group Note to prepare a draft charter for subsequent eGovernment work in W3C. The Group hopes to deliver this draft in the coming weeks for W3C review.
If you are still not a group member but want to join the group or subscribe to the group’s mailing list, please see the information on participation.
Previous post: Improving Access to Government through Better Use of the Web Note Published
Next post: “Idea” submitted to the US Open Government Dialogue
Please, send any comments related to the items above to the eGovernment Interest Group public mailing list <[email protected]> (archive)
eGovernment is the use of the Web and other information technologies by governments to interact with the citizenry, between departments and divisions, and with other governments.