This is an archived version of the eGovernment IG blog, the information on this page is historical and is no longer maintained.

Welcome! The World Wide Web Consortium invites all who work within governments or those who work or engage with governments to participate in the many opportunities sponsored by W3C and the Web community.

W3C's eGovernment Activity currently offers speakers, discussion forums, educational information, and guidelines focused on helping governments to publish data in open, standards-based formats so that information can be more easily accessed on the Web.


Meetings This Week

February 22, 2010

A few weeks ago, the IG started a set of parallel task force project groups. Here’s what’s on the calendar for this week:

Wednesday, 24 Feb, 8am ET Data Management

  • Topic TBD

Thursday, 25 Feb, 10am ET Linked Data Outreach

  • Brainstorm on technical scope: what are the pressing technical issues for government linked data, and what guidance can we provide?

Friday, 26 Feb, 9am ET Linked Data Demo

  • Topic TBD

Friday, 26 Feb, 3pm ET Social Media

  • Review and determine the top 5 essential best practice for use of Social Media by government.

The IG and the other project groups are not scheduled to meet this week.

These groups are just getting started, so if you want some say in their direction (and possibly eternal glory), now is a good time to get involved.

Posted by: Sandro Hawke at 5:18 pm categories: Events

Guidelines for Publishing Open Government Data Published

September 9, 2009

In line with its anticipated focus on Open Government Data, the eGovernment Interest Group announces today a first draft of Publishing Open Government Data, which provides step-by-step guidelines for putting government data on the Web. Sharing data according to these guidelines enables greater transparency; delivers more efficient public services; and encourages greater public and commercial use and re-use of government information.

Posted by: José Manuel Alonso at 3:31 pm categories: IG

Improving Access to Government through Better Use of the Web: Note Available in Portuguese and Spanish

September 7, 2009

Thanks to the wonderful job of the W3C Brazil and W3C Spain Offices, the Improving Access to Government through Better Use of the Web Note is now also available in Portuguese and Spanish. Both Offices have already started to distribute hundreds of printed copies among the local eGovernment communities.

Posted by: José Manuel Alonso at 2:04 pm categories: IG

Proposed Second W3C eGovernment Interest Group Charter

August 31, 2009

Today W3C Advisory Committee Representatives received a Proposal to
revise the eGovernment Activity (see the W3C Process Document
description of Activity Proposals
). This proposal includes a draft
charter for the eGovernment Interest Group

As part of ensuring that the community is aware of proposed work at
W3C, this draft charter is public during the Advisory Committee review

W3C invites public comments through 2009-09-28 on the proposed
charter. Please send comments to [email protected], which has a
public archive.

Other than comments sent in formal responses by W3C Advisory Committee
Representatives, W3C cannot guarantee a response to comments. If you
work for a W3C Member, please coordinate your comments with your
Advisory Committee Representative. For example, you may wish to make
public comments via this list and have your Advisory Committee
Representative refer to it from his or her formal review comments.

If you should have any questions or need further information, please
contact José M. Alonso, eGovernment Lead.

Posted by: José Manuel Alonso at 9:36 pm categories: IG

Open Government Data in New York City

July 6, 2009

Ian Jacobs (W3C Head of Communications) had the chance last week of testifying at a New York City Council hearing on opening up data and open source software use. The handouts at the hearing had a reference to the eGov IG’s Improving Access to Government through Better Use of the Web Note. Ian has blogged about his participation. Thanks, Ian!

Posted by: José Manuel Alonso at 2:16 pm categories: IG

Editorial Task Force Formed

June 25, 2009

The eGovernment Interest Group has just formed an Editorial Task Force. The mission of the Task Force is to ensure the documents published by group can be easily understood by non-technical readers, to bridge the gap between technology and policy.

Posted by: José Manuel Alonso at 5:11 pm categories: IG

Putting Government Data Online

Tim Berners-Lee has just released a new Design Issues paper titled Putting Government Data Online. The document, still not mature (per its status) acknowledges input from eGov IG Chairs and Members. This paper has several similarities with the sort of deliverable the IG expects to publish on Year 2. Stay tuned.

Posted by: José Manuel Alonso at 5:08 pm categories: General

Draft Charter 2 Under Discussion

The eGov IG is discussing its new charter. There is a rough draft already available. Some of the areas of most interest so far are those around Open Government Data and how to put government data on the Web, and also how that data could be best consumed and accessed by citizens and other interested parties. The group expects to work on the draft in the coming days and deliver a final version before the end of July.

Posted by: José Manuel Alonso at 5:01 pm categories: IG

“Idea” submitted to the US Open Government Dialogue

June 1, 2009

As part of its ongoing online process for public engagement in policymaking, the White House launched on May 21st the Open Government Dialogue to collect ideas to inform the development of open government recommendations and the writing of subsequent policy and the development of open government projects.

Kevin Novak, co-Chair of the eGovernment Interest Group, submitted on behalf of the group an “idea” to the Dialogue entitled Ensuring Availability and Accessibility of Government Data and Information, where the importance and benefits of adopting Web standards is highlighted.

The group intends to monitor this and similar initiatives and provide input where necessary.

Posted by: José Manuel Alonso at 5:47 pm categories: IG

eGovernment Interest Group Charter Extension and Discussions

May 26, 2009

The eGovernment Interest Group charter has been extended until 30 September 2009.
The group published its primary deliverable, an Interest
Group Note
on Improving Access to Government through Better Use
of the Web
, and has also met its other success criterion to form a community bringing together various perspectives on eGovernment and the Web.
The eGov IG has asked for additional time following the publication of this Group Note to prepare a draft charter for subsequent eGovernment work in W3C. The Group hopes to deliver this draft in the coming weeks for W3C review.
If you are still not a group member but want to join the group or subscribe to the group’s mailing list, please see the information on participation.

Posted by: José Manuel Alonso at 9:59 am categories: IG

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Please, send any comments related to the items above to the eGovernment Interest Group public mailing list <[email protected]> (archive)

eGovernment is the use of the Web and other information technologies by governments to interact with the citizenry, between departments and divisions, and with other governments.



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