RDF-star Semantics TF: OneGraph presentation
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Eastern Daylight Time
Weekly on Friday, starting from 26 May 2023, until 20 December 2024
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Enrico Franconi
RDF-star Semantics ( View calendar)

Ora Lassila will present the OneGraph project to the LDBC LEX WG and to the members of the RDF-Star WG.
OneGraph (1G) is a project in the AWS Neptune team, it aims to “unify” RDF and LPG graphs and provide query language interoperability across the different types of graphs (Gremlin over RDF, etc.). We see 1G to have great promise, but obviously the effort is not without considerable challenges as well.
Link to the paper (PDF): https://www.semantic-web-journal.net/content/onegraph-vision-challenges-breaking-graph-model-lock-0

[note the change of the Zoom link]


Ora Lassila will present the OneGraph project to the LDBC LEX WG and to the members of the RDF-Star WG.
OneGraph (1G) is a project in the AWS Neptune team, it aims to “unify” RDF and LPG graphs and provide query language interoperability across the different types of graphs (Gremlin over RDF, etc.). We see 1G to have great promise, but obviously the effort is not without considerable challenges as well.

Link to the paper (PDF): https://www.semantic-web-journal.net/content/onegraph-vision-challenges-breaking-graph-model-lock-0

[note the change of the Zoom link]

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