W3C MEIG and WNIG joint meeting: Multicast Receiver API
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The next Media & Entertainment Interest Group meeting will be on Tuesday 6th April. This will be a joint meeting with the Web & Networks Interest Group.
We'll be joined by Jake Holland from Akamai, to talk about the Multicast Receiver API (Chinese translation), which proposes a secure method for browsers to subscribe to one-to-many multicast streams - one of the motivating use cases being live video streaming at scale. The API builds on a number of protocols standardized or in development at the IETF:
- Automatic Multicast Tunneling (AMT) (RFC 7450)
- DNS Reverse IP Automatic Multicast Tunneling (AMT) Discovery (RFC 8777)
- Discovery Of Restconf Metadata for Source-specific multicast (DORMS)
- Circuit Breaker Assisted Congestion Control (CBACC)
- Asymmetric Manifest-Based Integrity (AMBI)
We recommend that you watch Jake's previous presentation (video, slides) for background.
- Welcome and AOB [5 minutes]
- Rechartering updates (MEIG, WNIG)
- Multicast Receive API
- Presentation [25 minutes]
- Discussion [25 minutes]
- Conclusion and next steps [5 minutes]
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