Cascading Style Sheets WG, Accessible Platform Architectures WG Joint Meeting
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- Group Meetings
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- Group Meetings
- Any general issues CSS WG would like to raise (edit from Alan Stearns - possibly these?)
- [css-display-4] Should the reading-order-items property apply to tables in addition to flex and grid layouts?
- [css-display-4] Define how reading-flow interacts with focusable display: contents elements.
- [css-view-transitions] Users need to be able to disable view transitions
- Query on CSS Speech: blockers to implementation; possibility of implementing a 'core' subset?
- Context: relating to Pronunciation TF's work, there are a few things that, if present in CSS, we could build on to more effectively solve the problems identified by this TF.
- We have identified different facets of the problem of pronunciation: some we feel are more apt for CSS (largely user-controlled); others relate directly to the content (hence we are proposing markup for them).
- Many of our use cases come from education. Background info: Pronunciation Gap Analysis and Use Cases
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