W3C Report on Web and Automotive Workshop: Shift into High Gear on the Web

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Shift into High Gear on the Web

W3C today published the report of the W3C Web and Automotive Workshop: Shift into High Gear on the Web, hosted by Intel on 14-15 November 2012 in Rome, Italy, and sponsored by QNX and Webinos.

This workshop provided a way for the participants to focus on opportunities and challenges for exploiting Web technologies within the car, and what kinds of standards work may be needed to realize the potential. The Workshop participants reached a broad consensus that HTML5 is a compelling basis for automotive, and that it is now timely to launch standardization of user centric vehicle APIs in order to avoid the risk of fragmentation from competing approaches. Other aspects were identified, such as safety, network and devices integration, business and advertising.

The Workshop prioritized work on use cases and requirements, security/policy mechanisms, a user centric vehicle API and a reference model. The next steps are likely to include further outreach with the aim of launching a standards activity; W3C staff will work with stakeholders to identify opportunities for launching work in support of standards for Web and Automotive.

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