W3C Tutorials and Track on Web Conference 2018

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This year, W3C once again joins the Web Conference 2018, previously known as WWW2018 with W3C tutorials and track.

The W3C tutorials on Monday and Tuesday focus on Data Visualization, Media and Audio on the Web.

The W3C Track on Friday invites conference attendees to talk to experts from W3C members and W3C team on topics including new trends on the Web Platform, WebAssembly, WebXR, Web of Things, Social Web Protocols and the foundations of trust as well as Intelligent Search on the Web. A panel about the future of the Web will be hosted at the end of the W3C track and we expect active interaction with the audience on hot topics they care about for the Web.

Also, W3C will join the exhibition of the Web Conference and we welcome conference attendees to visit our booth.

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