W3C launches MiniApps Working Group
W3C launched today the MiniApps Working Group. We invite W3C Members to join the group and drive collaboration on clarifying requirements and producing specifications that facilitate the development of interoperable and robust MiniApps.
MiniApp as a new form of mobile application, leveraging both Web technologies (especially CSS and JavaScript) as well as capabilities of native applications, is gaining more and more popularity. The MiniApps Working Group aims to harmonize the heterogeneous MiniApp ecosystem, enable interoperability among the different MiniApp platforms, maximize the convergence of MiniApps and the World Wide Web, reduce the development costs and facilitate the adoption of this technology.
For more information, see the MiniApps Working Group Charter and the blog post W3C Launches the MiniApps Working Group to ensure MiniApps Cohesiveness with Web Architecture.