
From W3C Wiki
(Redirected from Socialig/2014-11-26)


Chair: Mark Crawford
Scribe: First available from Scribes list 
Regrets: elf Pavlik (


Chair to start the meeting by typing on irc:

trackbot, start meeting

Trackbot should already be on the channel but if for some reason it is not call it with the following command:

/invite trackbot

Zakim won't know what meeting it is. Just ignore it. Pick a scribe from the list or ask Zakim to pick one up with the following command:

Zakim, pick a victim

Unfortunately Zakim has no idea who's scribed before so you may have to ask several times before getting an acceptable answer...

Then type:

scribe: xxx

Also, with WebEx, Zakim doesn't know who is on the call so, as people join they should record their attendance with the command: present+ <nickname>

For additional info, see the Zakim documentation page.



Participation is limited to members

Approval of Minutes of 12 November 2014 Teleconf

Next Teleconference Socialig/2014-12-17 (Note: the Dec. 10th meeting was cancelled)

Coordination with WG

What Social IG could prioritize to support moving forward with work in WG?

Tracker for IG

Would using tracker help with capturing ACTIONs and ISSUEs? We captured some actions in minutes of Use Case TF meeting

Task Force Reports/Discussion

Use Cases TF

  • Feedback from 2014-11-19 telecon
    • Q&A use case?
    • elf-pavlik & dahacouk P2P marketplaces (ridesharing etc.)

Architecture TF

Vocabulary TF

  • Date of next TF telecon?
  • Following Socialwg/Social_API_patterns analysis and documenting used schemas, also verifying if we have terms to express same information.

Liaison TF

  • Short discussion about recent incident with Credentials CG and topic digital signatures

  • OpenSocial?

Any other business

all: any other new business? 


Chair to close the meeting with the following command:

trackbot, end meeting

If you forget, trackbot will close the meeting for you when the activity dies down.


Will be at:

back to socialig