< Socialwg
socialwg telcon 2014-08-12
- Chair: Tantek
- Scribe: (scribe needed!)
Rough order:
- old business
- new business
- open questions on wg topics
review past action items
- Automatic public 24/7 #social IRC logs
- Proposal made 2014-08-05 by aaronpk to provide public 24/7 #social IRC logs using IRC bot Loqi. No objections. Alternative bots proposed, but no alternatives proposed/offered for setting up public 24/7 #social IRC logs.
- Question: when will we have automatic public 24/7 #social IRC logs?
- Question: where can we expect them to be? (URL)
review past open questions
- Who signed Activity Streams 2.0 OWFa FSA? - jasnell to provide URLs to signatures
- Need URL from past minutes then update socialwg/2014-08-05 accordingly inline.
- Can we extend future telcon reservations with Zakim to be 5 min past end of slot? - harryh
new items this week
add yourself to wiki IRC people page
- Add yourself:
regular telcon time preference
- Regular telcon time prefs: (updated, please fill out for "repeating" telcons starting in September)
when to start regular telcons
- When to start official telcons? proposals?
open questions on
- Social Web Working Group charter
- Social Interest Group charter
- How to participate (including for people who don't work for W3C members)
- Proposed socialwg schedule
- from socialwg/2014-07-29: "Agree with topics but don't believe any of the dates. -tantek"
- Activity Streams 2.0
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