DRAFT 28 September 2004 XKMS Teleconference Minutes
Chairs: Stephen Farrell, Shivaram Mysore
Note Takers: Shivaram Mysore
Last revised by $Author: kahan $ $Date: 2004/09/29 10:38:23 $
- Shivaram Mysore (part)
- Jose Kahan, W3C
- Guillermo Alvaro, Trinity College
- Tommy Lindberg
- Stephen Farrell, Trinity College
- Rich Salz, Datapower
- Yunhao Zhang, SQLData
- Roland Lockhart, Entrust
- Announcements
- Review last telecon AIs
- Interop report and issues arising
- Actions from last time that are still
- AI: All Send comments on updated
schema to the list STILL OPEN
- AI: Tommy: As a result of
the schema update (namespace URI changed), all examples have to be
regenerated. Thanks to Tommy for volunteering to do this. STILL
- AI Jose: How we get the new schema to be placed in
this new location - http://www.w3.org/2004/07/xkms.xsd ? Shivaram:
Just update the exisiting one till the spec gets Recommendation
status STILL OPEN (though maybe we won't need it - AI
chairs: re-check with list as to whether anyone's product code
requires this given current issue resolutions.)
- AI Stephen: Check on OCSP
issue with IETF, ETC, DSS and other groups and report back.
- Each of the interop participants reports on, what was overall,
extremely good progress.
- Guillermo has tested with Tommy, Roland and Yunhao, generally
things are fine with some wrinkles discovered, some of which are
fixed, some which are expected to be fixed soon. There are
differences wrt which bindings have been tested with whom.
- Tommy has acted as a client against Roland and Yunhao with results
similar to Guillermo's. Tommy's client works just fine against his
own server.
- Roland reported similarly, though noting that his client is quite a
simple X-KISS-only application.
- Yunhao reported similarly to the others, though most of his testing
(as a client) was directed towards Tommy's server.
- Rich reported that he'd tested his X-KISS client against all three
servers with similar results.
- Issues arising:
- We cannot currently test "long asynchronous" cases since all of the
servers answer almost immediately. AI: Tommy - make a
suggestion to the list for handling this.
- Few people have implemented compound messages so far, so these have
yet to be tested. We agreed to revisit this once the basic message
handling is nearly complete.
- Yunhao has some additional tests that he can do, but which are not
yet part of the test suite (e.g. re-issue). We agreed to try to start
incorporating such tests into our procedures even it ifs earlier than
planned. AI: Yunhao - send mail to the list describing these
new test scenarios/messages. AI: Guillermo - incorporate
those, once approved by the list. AI: Jose incorporate those
into the questionaire. (Yunhao also noted that he'll be making some
batch test scripts available from his web page which semi-automate
running tests.)
- People need to fill in the questionaire - AI: Implementers:
fill in the questionaire in the next week reflecting what you've
done. AI: Jose - send "results" style information to the list
in about a week (roughly by 20041005) so those not registered to
answer the questions can easily see the results.
- AOB: Tommy wondered we have to start using the new schema for testing.
AI: Shivaram said he'd post the (final) new schema early nexxt
week and we agreed that it ought be possible to start using it for
testing about a week later. We'll agree this on the list once the
modified schema's been published.
Next Telecon
- Next
- Date: October 12th (to be confirmed), 2004; Time - 8:30AM -
9:30AM PT, 11:30AM - 12:30PM ET check time for your local area here
- Zakim Bridge (617) 761-6200 Code: "XKMS"
- Future telecons at the same time on October 26th
- Agenda: More discussions on Interop Event results, Interop Matrix;
issue list