
From Semantic Web Standards

This is a community page for links to SKOS case studies and use cases.

The SWD working group has edited a SKOS Use Cases and Requirements document, which gathers application cases submitted by the SKOS community in response to SWD's Call for use cases Below, you'll find SKOS application cases, which do not appear in the aforementioned report. Note that particular datasets and software tools are reported in other dedicated wiki pages.

Please feel free to edit this page and add links to your cases!

Note: following the terminology used by the SWEO interest group, case studies include descriptions of systems that have been deployed within an organization, and are now being used within a production environment. Use cases include examples where an organization has built a prototype system, but it is not currently being used by business functions.

Case studies

Use Cases

@@Projects in Mapping of KOS, From ESW wiki (links must be checked!)@@