SKOS Repository REST http API

From Semantic Web Standards

This page will contain a proposed specification for a REST API to access a SKOS repository.

This is work in progress for discussion!

The goal is to propose a simplified access to SKOS/RDF (or JSON) resources:

  • HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) would indicate the action desired;
  • URL would identify the resources desired by their identification or a path to reach them (search and/or navigation within relations);
  • Results would simply be SKOS/RDF (or JSON) triples.
  • Identification would be the suffix part in the URL specific to the Concept or ConceptScheme when removing the application namespace URL.
    • Don't understand: isn't identification the whole URI? RDF namespaces don't really exist.

Additional Proposal:

  • Results are normally the exact objects corresponding to the request with all their RDF triples (not the objects they contain or the objects related).
  • A "follow" parameter could be added to list also (but only once in a given result) the RDF triples linked with specified attributes.
  • A "depth" parameter could indicate how recursive this process goes.
  • A "lang" parameter could indicate "all" (default), "nego" for http header negociation, "x,y,z" to specify a preference order


Method URL Usage
GET List SKOS ConceptSchemes available
GET List ConceptScheme ISO639
GET List Top Concepts of ConceptScheme ISO639
GET List Concepts of ConceptScheme ISO639 in a hierarchy with a maximal depth of 24.
GET List Concepts of ConceptScheme ISO639
GET*ish List Concepts of ConceptScheme ISO639 with a label (prefLabel, altLabel or hiddenLabel) ending with "ish"
GET List Concepts of ConceptScheme ISO639 with a label (prefLabel, altLabel or hiddenLabel) "Flemish" and narrower Concepts with a maximum depth of 5. (or perhaps this should be a two-step - get the URI first, then get the narrower concepts)
GET List SKOS Concept for language "en" keeping only labels in French.
GET List SKOS Concept for language "en" and narrower Concepts with a maximum depth of 5.
GET List SKOS Concept, from "matched" ConceptSchemes, related to language "en"
DELETE Delete SKOS Concept for language "en"
POST Replace ConceptScheme by SKOS/RDF or SKOS/JSON posted

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