Shex/Obsolote/Encoding of instanceof

From Semantic Web Standards

To define an instance of class in SHEX level 1 the following encoding can be used

ex:Person {
  age xsd:int,
  rdf:type (ex:Person) #force the rdf:type property to reference to ex:Person making it an ex:Person instance

When having a sub class of it can be encoded using the following approach

ex:Person {
  age xsd:int,
  rdf:type (ex:Person,ex:Female,ex:Male) #must be either be instanceof ex:Person, ex:Female, ex:Male
ex:Female {
  ex:boyFriend @ex:Male,
  rdf:type (ex:Female) #must be instanceof ex:Female
ex:Male {
  ex:girlFriend @ex:Female,
  rdf:type (ex:Male) #must be instanceof ex:Male

This would be more nicely encoded if the elements in discussion point(Discussion_SHEX_format, Discussion 2, Redefining rules) would be available.

See Encoding_of_greedy_matching for the encoding of VIRTUAL.