W3C in the Press - 2014

Below are 2014 articles about W3C in the international press.


SD Times
23 December
Analyst Watch: 2015 will be a pivotal year for HTML5, Al Hilwa
HTML, HTML Working Group, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Computer Business Review
18 December
Google introduces Content Security Policy for Gmail,
Content Security Policy, HTML, HTTP, W3C
The Register
17 December
Google bakes W3C malware-buster into Gmail, Simon Sharwood
Content Security Policy, W3C
Official Gmail Blog
16 December
Reject the unexpected - Content Security Policy in Gmail, Danesh Irani
Content Security Policy, HTTP
15 December
Interview : WebRTC, le standard de communication prometteur encore méconnu (Interview: WebRTC, the still unknown but promising communication standard), Stéphane Moussie
Next Inpact
12 December
Hollande annonce une nouvelle norme et un label pour l'accessibilité des sites publics (President Hollande announces a new standard and a label for the accessibility of public websites), Xavier Berne
Accessibility, HTML
Amazon Apps & Game Developer Portal
11 December
Publish Web Apps for Fire TV, Fire Phone, and Fire Tablets,
The Next Web
11 December
Devs Can Now Publish HTML5 Apps to Amazon's Fire TV and Fire TV Stick, Ben Woods
Zeit Online
10 December
Internet-Pionier kritisiert Recht auf Vergessen (Internet pioneer criticizes the right to be forgotten),
Tim Berners-Lee
The Guardian | Technology
10 December
Tim Berners-Lee: We must take to the streets to protect the open web – video [30:46],
Tim Berners-Lee
Clubic Pro
10 December
Pour Tim Berners-Lee, les applications natives menacent le Web (For Tim Berners-Lee, native applications threaten the Web), Thomas Pontiroli
HTML, HTTP, Tim Berners-Lee, URL, W3C
10 December
Web founder: Europe's 'right to be forgotten' rule is dangerous, Stephen Shankland
HTML, HTTP, Tim Berners-Lee, URL, W3C
HTML5 Doctor
09 December
HTML5 – Check it Before you Wreck it with Mike[tm] Smith, Steve Faulkner
Accessible Rich Internet Applications, DOM, HTML, HTML Validator, SVG, W3C, Web Components
Web Times Media
08 December
Inria : une contribution majeure à la révolution du numérique (INRIA: a major contribution to the digital revolution), Emmanuel Maumon
The Register
08 December
Why, hello there, Foxy... BYE GOOGLE! Mozilla's browser is a video star, Scott Gilbertson
HTTP, W3C, Web Components, WebRTC
04 December
WebRTC standardization is more than codecs – Q&A with Dan Burnett, Chad Hart
HTML, HTTP, media capture API, W3C, WebRTC
ZDNet Japan
04 December
勧告が公開されたHTML5、これからどうなる?--W3CのCEOが語る今後 (HTML5 recommendation published, what happens now? W3C CEO talks about the future), Jack Schofield
CSS, HTML, Jeff Jaffe, W3C
03 December
W3C: Künftiges Betriebssystem des World Wide Web in Arbeit (W3C: the way the operating system of the World Wide Web works), Andreas Eichenseher
CSS, HTML, Jeff Jaffe, W3C
03 December
Tim Berners-Lee Awarded the Gottlieb Duttweiler Prize 2015,
Tim Berners-Lee
03 December
W3C definieert volgende webdoelen (W3C defines next goals for the Web),
CSS, HTML, Jeff Jaffe, W3C
Austria Press Agency Group
03 December
Tim Berners-Lee erhält den Gottlieb Duttweiler Preis 2015 (Tim Berners-Lee receives the 2015 Gottlieb Duttweiler Prize),
Tim Berners-Lee
Automatisering Gids
02 December
W3C definieert 'the Next Big Thing' boor internet (W3C defines 'the Next Big Thing' for Internet), Jelle Wijkstra
CSS, HTML, Jeff Jaffe, W3C
02 December
HTML5, premier pas vers une plateforme web ouverte, Le W3C présente l'avenir du web (HTML5, the first step towards an open web platform, W3C presents the future of the web), Michael Guilloux
HTML, Jeff Jaffe, W3C
Access IQ
01 December
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative: 2014 in review, Scott Hollier
Accessible Rich Internet Applications, HTML, UAAG, WCAG, Web Accessibility Initiative
01 December
Nach HTML 5: W3C plant Plattform für Anwendungen (After HTML 5: W3C plans platform for applications), Florian Kalenda
Accessibility, CSS, HTML, Jeff Jaffe, W3C


30 November
Now HTML 5 is finished, W3C boss Jeff Jaffe discusses what comes next, Jack Schofield
CSS, HTML, Jeff Jaffe, Semantic Web, W3C
Team Côte d'Azur
28 November
Sophia Antipolis: le W3C prépare les futurs standards des paiement sur le Web (Sophia Antipolis: W3C prepares future standards for payment on the Web),
HTML, W3C, Web Payment
Gov.uk Government Technology
27 November
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) membership for HM Government, James Stewart
Accessibility, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C, Web Cryptography API
Zeit Online
27 November
Blaue Mützen für Barrierefreiheit im Internet (Blue Beanies for web accessibility), Christiane Link
Accessibility, W3C, WCAG
La Nueva España
25 November
"Hay un movimiento imparable para que los gobiernos sean más transparentes" ("There is an unstoppable movement for governments to be more transparent"), José Luis Salinas
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Open Source Insider
24 November
Berners-Lee: new HTML5 'open web' milestones, Adrian Bridgwater
Accessibility, HTML, Jeff Jaffe, MathML, SVG, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
The Guardian | World news
22 November
80 landmarks in 80 years: the people and events that shaped our world, Tracy McVeigh
Tim Berners-Lee
The New Yorker
20 November
The Group That Rules the Web, Paul Ford
Accessibility, Amaya, EmotionML, HTML, HTML Validator, Semantic Web, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C, XHTML
No Jitter
18 November
Cisco Debuts 'Project Squared' Collaboration App, Eric Krapf
PC World
18 November
Does Skype for Web mean WebRTC's native video chats are ready for prime time?, Mary Branscombe
ZDNet Korea
18 November
웹표준 HTML5, 후속 버전 방향 이슈 부상 (HTML5 Web standard, direction of emerging issues in subsequent versions), 임민철
Heise Online
18 November
H.264 ind VP8: IETF findet Codec-Kompromiss für Videotelefonie im Web (H.264 and VP8: IETF takes compromise codec for video telephony on the web), Christian Kirsch
17 November
HTML5's "Dirty Little Secret": It's Already Everywhere, Even In Mobile, Matt Asay
HTML, Service Workers
17 November
W3C Brasil e Ministério Público do Estado de SP divulgam Cartilha de Acessibilidade na Web (W3C Brazil and the State Public Ministry of São Paulo disclose Primer Web Accessibility(,
Accessibility, W3C
Christian Science Monitor
16 November
Possibility unbound: 25 years of progress for those with disability, Lee Lawrence
Accessibility, W3C
Ars Technica
15 November
Microsoft builds a Skype Web client… for at least one version of the Web, Peter Bright
La Vanguardia
14 November
Web: la celebración de los primeros 25 años (Web: celebrating the first 25 years), ina María Aguirre
HTML, Jeff Jaffe, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
13 November
Libre virgule, Firefox fête ses 10 and (Free comma, Firefox celebrates 10 years), Camille Gévaudan
Site Point
12 November
5 Obsolete Features in HTML5, Aurelio De Rosa
Accessibility, HTML, W3C
11 November
Tristan Nitot : « Firefox bénéficie même aux gens qui n'utilisent que Safari ! » (Tristan Nitot: "Firefox benefits even to people who only use Safari!"), Stéphane Moussie
Tech Crunch
08 November
It’s Time For An Open Standard For Cards, Nova Spivack
HTML, Semantic Web, W3C
Programmable Web
05 November
HTML5 Moves to W3C Recommendation Status, Janet Wagner
HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Site Point
05 November
HTML5 and the W3C Recommendation Ruckus, Craig Buckler
05 November
Interview with OpenStand Advocate Tim Berners-Lee: The Internet Turns 25, Michelle Heathers
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
The Guardian | Technology
04 November
EU commits €14.4m to support open data across Europe, Samuel Gibbs
Tim Berners-Lee
Startribune Business
03 November
Consortium looks at payment infrastructure, Adam Belz
Web Payment
Il Sole 24 Ore
03 November
L’Html5 è stato promosso. Ora è ufficialmente uno standard (HTML5 is promoted. It is now officially a standard),
HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Enterprise App Tech
03 November
Battle lines drawn between IT and developers on who owns mobile projects, James Bourne
03 November
Ericsson to Release Browser, OpenwebRTC as Open Source, Emma Okonji
Naked Security
03 November
HTML5 goes officially live - now you really CAN say goodbye to Java in your browser!, Paul Ducklin
PC Perspective
01 November
HTML5 Finally Released as W3C Recommendation, Scott Michaud
San Jose Mercury News
01 November
Q&A: Tim Berners-Lee, professor, inventor of World Wide Web, Troy Wolverton
HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C


Coin Desk
31 October
W3C's Web Payments Redesign Could Bypass Bitcoin, Pete Rizzo
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C, Web Payment
30 October
HTML5 : les réactions de Microsoft et Mozilla (HTML5: the reactions of Microsoft and Mozilla), David Feugey
30 October
With HTML5 declared 'done,' W3C begins mission transition, Scott M. Fulton, III
HTML, HTTP, Jeff Jaffe, W3C, WebRTC
29 October
HTML5 is ready for primetime, says W3C, Ryan Daws
HTML, Jeff Jaffe, SVG, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C, WebRTC
29 October
Congrats, HTML5—You’re All Grown Up Now, Adriana Lee
ZDNet France
29 October
HTML5 devient une recommandation du W3C (HTML5 becomes a W3C Recommendation),
29 October
HTML5 officialisé en mouture définitive par le W3C ( HTML5 final version formalized by the W3C), David Feugey
HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Tom's Hardware France
29 October
Le W3C recommande finalement le HTML5 (W3C eventually recommends HTML5), David Civera
29 October
20 ans du W3C : Tim Berners-Lee fait le point (20 years of the W3C Tim Berners-Lee takes stock), Alexandre Penot
HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
29 October
Le W3C publie le HTML5 (W3C publishes HTML5), Romaric Hinault
HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
McGill Reporter
29 October
Oct. 29: Redefining the concept of inclusive user experience on the Web,
Accessibility, W3C, WCAG
Le Monde
29 October
Tim Berners-Lee : « L'intérêt pour les libertés numériques est sans précédent » (Tim Berners-Lee: "Interest in digital freedom is unprecedented"), Damien Leloup
Encrypted Media Extensions, HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C, WebRTC
29 October
The Heroes of the Internet Believed in Open Standards,
HTML, HTTP, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Blog: Bob Sutor's
29 October
W3C 20th Anniversary: Memories, Bob Sutor
DOM, HTML, MathML, RDF, Semantic Web, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C, XML
29 October
HTML5 est une recommandation ! (HTML5 is a recommendation!),
IBM | Thoughts on Cloud
29 October
The W3C community turns 20, Angel Luis Diaz
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
The Register
28 October
Yes, Virginia, there IS a W3C HTML5 standard – as of now, that is, Neil McAllister
Tech Crunch
28 October
W3C Declares HTML5 Standard Complete, Frederic Lardinois
HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
28 October
HTML5 finalized, finally, Joab Jackson
CSS, HTML, Jeff Jaffe, MathML, SVG, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
The Next Web
28 October
HTML5 is now final and ready for prime time, says the World Wide Web Consortium, Roberto Baldwin
28 October
HTML 5: World Wide Web gets an upgrade, Troy Wolverton
HTML, Jeff Jaffe, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
El País
28 October
“El límite de las máquinas no es su potencia, sino nuestra imaginación” ("The limit of the machines is not their strength, our imagination is", Rosa Jiménez Cano
HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
PC World
28 October
HTML5 finalized, finally, Joab Jackson
CSS, HTML, Jeff Jaffe, SVG, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
28 October
Sir Timothy Berners-Lee: Catching the World in a Web,
HTML, HTTP, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
HTML5 Doctor
28 October
The ride to 5, Steve Faulkner
HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Generation NT
28 October
HMTL5 est enfin officiel ! (HTML5 is official at last!), Jérôme Garay
CSS, HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Ars Technica
28 October
HTML5 specification finalized, squabbling over specs continues, Peter Bright
Clubic Pro
28 October
20 ans plus tard, le W3C publie le HTML5 (20 years afterwards, the W3C publishes HTML5), Guillaume Belfiore
HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C, WebRTC
28 October
HTML5 finally reaches official status, Paul Krill
CSS, HTML, HTML Working Group, Jeff Jaffe, SVG, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
SD Times
28 October
W3C: HTML5 reaches ‘recommendation’ status, David Rubinstein
HTML, Jeff Jaffe, W3C, Web Cryptography API
Microsoft Open Technologies
28 October
W3C Charts a Course for the Future of the Open Web by Finalizing HTML5 Standard, Paul Cotton
HTML, HTML Working Group, W3C
27 October
Robin Berjon : "HTML5 pour faire d'Internet un outil plus égalitaire" (Robin Berjon "HTML5 to make the Internet a more egalitarian tool"), Camille Gicquel
HTML, Testing, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
27 October
Microsoft is trying to enable real time communication via web browsers, Joseph Finney
Tech Times
26 October
World Wide Web founder Tim Berners-Lee ponders on dark side of mankind seen on Internet, Menchie Mendoza
Tim Berners-Lee
The Guardian | Technology
24 October
Tim Berners-Lee: hateful people on the web are 'staggering', Alex Hern
Semantic Web, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Payments Cards & Mobile
17 October
W3C launches web payments initiative and reduce fraud, Alex Rolfe
W3C, Web Payment
London Evening Standard
16 October
The 1000 - London's most influential people 2014: Tech stars,
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Heise Online
16 October
W3C will Payment-Standard entwickeln (W3C will develop a payment standard), Volker Briegleb
W3C, Web Payment
IT for Business
16 October
Le W3C s’intéresse au paiement sur le Web (W3C focuses on payment on the Web),
W3C, Web Payment
ZDNet France
16 October
Netflix poursuit son passage au HTML5, Louis Adam
HTML, Media Source Extensions, W3C
Web Times Media
15 October
Le W3C lance l'initiative "Paiements sur le Web" (W3C launches Web Payments initiative), Jean-Pierre Largillet
Near-Field communication, W3C, Web Payment
15 October
Target, banks push to improve Web-based payments, Stephen Shankland
Near-Field communication, W3C, Web Payment
15 October
W3C launches a Payments Interest Group to monetize the web, Jack Schofieldc
HTTP, Jeff Jaffe, Near-Field communication, W3C, Web Payment
NACS Online Magazine
15 October
New Payment Integration Initiative Launches,
W3C, Web Payment
Heise Online
13 October
Der Ur-Browser: 20 Jahre Netscape Navigator (The original-browser: 20 years of Netscape Navigator), Volker Briegleb, Herbert Braun
Heise Online
10 October
Netflix uneingeschränkt unter Linux (Netflix fully under Linux), Liane M. Dubowy
Encrypted Media Extensions, W3C
Heise Online
10 October
Cascading Stylesheets: 20 Jahre CSS (Cascading Stylesheets: 20 years of CSS), Volker Briegleb, Herbert Braun
CSS, HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
10 October
Berners-Lee Shares Voices His Opinions on Data Ownership, Angela Guess
Semantic Web, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
10 October
CSS Is 20 Years Old Today, Jamie Condliffe
CIO Asia
10 October
Businesses must exchange private data with partners to drive efficiencies, says Berners-Lee, Matthew Finnegan
Tim Berners-Lee
09 October
Tim Berners-Lee fordert mehr Datenschutz (Tim Berners-Lee calls for more data protection), Stefan Beiersmann
Tim Berners-Lee
Next Inpact
09 October
Imgur propose le GIFV, pour transformer les GIF animés en vidéos MP4 (Imgur proposes GIFV to convert animated GIF to MP4 videos), Vincent Hermann
09 October
The tired GIF gets a modern-day makeover, Stephen Shankland
08 October
Accessibilité numérique : bonne ou mauvaise nouvelle ? (Digital accessibility: good or bad news?), Célia Lignon
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
08 October
Tim Berners-Lee Wants a World Wide Web Where Our Data Works for Us, Victoria Turk
Tim Berners-Lee
Information Age
08 October
Sir Tim Berners-Lee outlines his 2050 vision of the Web, Ben Rossi
Tim Berners-Lee
Computer Business Review
08 October
Sir Tim Berners-Lee: Share data or watch your business fail, Joe Curtis
Tim Berners-Lee
The Drum
08 October
Privacy boundaries must be clearer for advertisers to get the most out of 'Big Data' says Sir Tim Berners-Lee, John McCarthy
Tim Berners-Lee
08 October
Google right to be forgotten 'draconian': Berners-Lee, Arjun Kharpal
Tim Berners-Lee
08 October
H4cked Off: Naivete, thy name is Tim Berners-Lee, Peter Gothard
Tim Berners-Lee
Riwi Blog
08 October
Live from London: RIWI covers Sir Tim Berners-Lee’s vision of the Web, Bob Seeman
Tim Berners-Lee
08 October
Web future relies on individuals owning their data, says Tim Berners-Lee, Roland Moore-Colyer
Tim Berners-Lee
PC Pro
08 October
Tim Berners-Lee: forget targeted advertising and let data be free, Nicole Kobie
Tim Berners-Lee
The New York Times | Bits
08 October
Tim Berners-Lee, Web Creator, Defends Net Neutrality, Mark Scott
Tim Berners-Lee
The Telegraph
08 October
Berners-Lee: 'Computers are getting smarter. We’re not', Matt Warman
Tim Berners-Lee
The Telegraph
08 October
Sir Tim Berners-Lee calls for new model for privacy on the web, Sophie Curtis
Tim Berners-Lee
The Register
08 October
Sir Tim Berners-Lee defends decision not to bake security into www, John Leyden
Tim Berners-Lee
The Guardian | Technology
08 October
Sir Tim Berners-Lee speaks out on data ownership, Alex Hern
Semantic Web, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
IT Security Guru
08 October
IP Expo – Sir Tim Berners-Lee warns on uncontrolled Big Data, Dan Raywood
Tim Berners-Lee
IT Security Guru
08 October
IP Expo: Net neutrality is important to preserve an internet with no centre, says Berners-Lee, Dan Raywood
HTML, Tim Berners-Lee
07 October
Tim Berners-Lee : « the Web we want »,
Tim Berners-Lee
Intel IoT Blog
06 October
Accelerating the Adoption of Web Technologies in the Automotive Industry, David McKinney
Automotive, HTML
04 October
HTML5 does not have a new best friend, Ashley Gullen
Audio API, HTML, MathML, Web Cryptography API, WebRTC
02 October
HTML5 Has A New Best Friend—And It's Apple, Not Google, Matt Asay
Telecom Paper
02 October
Ericsson Research releases Bowser, OpenWebRTC as open source,
02 October
Some pros and cons of Google’s plan to give every “thing” a URL, Stacey Higginbotham
URL, Web of Things
Heise Online
01 October
20 Jahre World Wide Web Consortium (20 years World Wide Web Consortium), Andreas Wilkens, Herbert Braun
CSS, HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C, Web Accessibility Initiative, XML


Corriere delle Communicazioni
29 September
Berners-Lee: "Serve una Magna Charta per salvare il Web" (Berners-Lee: "We need a Magna Charta to save the Web"), Antonio Dini
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
International Business Times
29 September
Berners-Lee reclama una carta dei diritti deli internauti, Rodotà annuncia: "Il 13 ottobre sarà presentata la Costituzione di internet" (Berners-Lee calls for a bill of rights of Internet users, Rodotà announces: "On October 13, the Constitution of the internet will be presented"), Michele Lupo
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
The Guardian | Technology
28 September
Tim Berners-Lee calls for internet bill of rights to ensure greater privacy,
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
London Evening Standard
26 September
Tim Berners-Lee: People will always try to control the internet. We have to keep fighting for it, Richard Godwin
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
23 September
The Semantic Web’s Rocking, And There Ain’t No Stopping It Now, Jennifer Zaino
HTTP, JSON-LD, Linked Data, OWL, RDF, Semantic Web, SPARQL, W3C, XML
Heise Online
22 September
Netflix für Linux ist auf dem Weg (Netflix for Linux is on the way), Oliver Diedrich
Encrypted Media Extensions, W3C
The Inquirer
22 September
Ubuntu Linux users might be able to stream Netflix soon, Egan Orion
Next Inpact
22 September
Lecteur HTML5 de Netflix et EME : Chrome 38 arrive, Ubuntu se met à la page (Netflix HTML5 player and EME: Chrome 38 arrives, Ubuntu goes up-to-date), David Legrand
Encrypted Media Extensions, HTML, Media Source Extensions, W3C, Web Cryptography API
Geeky Gadgets
22 September
Netflix Linux Native Playback Support Arriving Very Soon Via HTML5, Julian Horsey
Huff Post Tech
19 September
(VIDEO) Opera Sees HTML5 As Cure For Video Fragmentation, Andy Plesser
19 September
Netflix abandonnera Silverlight et s'invitera sur Linux en natif (Netflix will abandon Silverlight to work natively on Linux), Guillaume Belfiore
HTML, Media Source Extensions, W3C
The Washington Post
19 September
World Wide Web inventor slams Internet fast lanes: ‘It’s bribery.’, Brian Fung
Tim Berners-Lee
Clubic Pro
19 September
Google souhaite un vrai mode déconnecté pour les sites Web (Google wants websites to work more like apps, even offline), Guillaume Belfiore
Service Workers, W3C
19 September
Google wants websites to work more like apps, even offline, Mariella Moon
Service Workers, W3C
18 September
「HTML5勧告案」登場、W3C (W3C published HTML5 draft recommendation), 後藤大地
HTML, HTML Working Group, W3C
The Guardian | Technology
18 September
Google and Dropbox launch Simply Secure to improve online security, Dominic Rushe
Girokonto Test
16 September
Girokonto Transaktionen dutch die Webcrypto API sicher online durchführen (Perform checking account transactions through the API Webcrypto online),
CSS, HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C, Web Cryptography API
16 September
Apple Shows Love for HTML5 with iOS 8, Ross Gerbasi
CSS, DOM, HTML, SVG, Web Components, XHR
Site Point
11 September
Introducing the Screen Orientation API, Aurelio De Rosa
HTML, Screen Orientation API, W3C
09 September
Already 1 billion websites, and counting, Scott Burns
Tim Berners-Lee
ZDNet | 500 words into the future
09 September
Build the future of the web, one standard at a time, Mary Branscombe
CSS, HTML, Pointer Events API, W3C
08 September
Adobe adds HTML5 support to Primetime DRM, Natalie Gagliordi
08 September
Boosting browsers, Adobe extends its DRM to Web video, Stephen Shankland
HTML, Media Source Extensions, W3C
PayPal Engineering
05 September
Introducing an Accessible HTML5 Video Player, Dennis Lembree
Accessibility, CSS, HTML, WebVTT
Ars Technica
02 September
How a new HTML element will make the Web faster, Scott Gilbertson
CSS, HTML, HTML Working Group, Responsive Images Community Group, W3C, W3C Community and Business Groups


28 August
W3C Publishes Linked Data Platform Best Practices and Guidelines, Eric Franzon
Linked Data, URI, W3C
The Guardian | Technology
24 August
How the web lost its way – and its founding principles, Stuart Jeffries
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Heise Online
21 August
"Forum digitale Gesellschaft": Innenminister will Big Data zähmen ("Forum Digital Society": Interior Minister wants to tame Big Data), Martin Holland
ZDNet Japan
21 August
JKとメガネにITをかけて鯖江と解く--「電脳コイル」目指すjig.jp福野社長 (President Fukuno of jig.jp on Joshi Kousei, Dennō Coil, eye glasses and Sabae City), 吉澤亨史 山田竜司
HTML, Semantic Web, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
The Inquirer
21 August
Microsoft, Google and Hookflash establish real-time communications specification, Dave Neal
W3C, W3C Community and Business Groups, WebRTC
19 August
Google et Blink tournent le dos au W3C et à Pointer Events de Microsoft (Google Blink and turn their backs to the W3C and Microsoft Point Events), Arsene Newman
Pointer Events API, W3C
i Programmer
18 August
Google's Blink Not Implementing W3C Pointer Events, Ian Elliot
Pointer Events API, W3C
Telematics Wire
12 August
World Wide Web Consortium(W3C) on transforming the automotive experience with HTML5,
Accessibility, CSS, HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
The Register
01 August
Quicker, easier to fly to MOON than change web standards ... OR IS IT?, Scott Gilbertson
CSS, HTML, Shadow DOM, W3C, Web Components
geechs magazine
01 August
豪華審査員の独占インタビュー HTML5 Japan Cup 2014 表彰式 (HTML5 Japan Cup 2014 Awards Ceremony Report),
CSS, HTML, SVG, W3C, WebRTC, Websocket


24 July
Designing user experience for baby-boomers, Dan Fellini
W3C, WCAG, Web Accessibility Initiative
SD Times
24 July
The W3C looks to standardize the social Web, Christina Mulligan
Social Web, W3C
24 July
Le W3C veut standardiser le Web Social (W3C wants to standardise the Social Web),
Social Web, W3C
Alt 1040
23 July
Las redes sociales tendrán un estándar abierto en la web (Social networks will have an open Web standard), Eduardo Marin
Le Monde Informatique
22 July
Le W3C veut ouvrir l'entreprise au web social (The W3C wants to open the enterprise to the social web), Dominique Filippone
Social Web, W3C
22 July
RSE : le W3C et l’OpenSocial Foundation militent pour des standards ouverts (CSR: the W3C and the OpenSocial Foundation advocating for open standards), Clément Bohic
Social Web, W3C
Clubic Pro
22 July
Le W3C veut standardiser les flux communautaires en entreprise (W3C wants to standardise enterprise community streams), Guillaume Belfiore
Social Web, W3C
The Register
21 July
Party like it's not 1999: Cry FREEDOM for a better web, Scott Gilbertson
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
PC World
21 July
W3C wants to open the social Web for the enterprise, Joab Jackson
Social Web, W3C
21 July
W3C Launches Effort for Social Web App Interoperability, Darryl K. Taft
Social Web, W3C
21 July
Social networking built into the Web? W3C gives it a go, Stephen Shankland
Social Web, W3C
Les Echos.fr
10 July
Gouvernance du Net : le Sénat veut que l’Europe fasse entendre sa voix (Net Governance: Senate wants Europe to make its voice heard), Anaïs Moutot
Les Echos.fr
09 July
Tim Berners-Lee, l’homme qui a offert le Web à l’humanité (Tim Berners-Lee, the man who gave the Web to humanity), Solveig Godeluck
HTML, HTTP, Tim Berners-Lee, URL, W3C
SD Times
09 July
WebRTC specifications advance, Rob Marvin
NACS Online Magazine
08 July
Making cents from standards, David Ezell
Linked Data, Semantic Web, W3C, Web Payment
07 July
JSON-LD se convert en un estándar web recomendado por la W3C (JSON-LD becomes a web standard recommended by the W3C), Txema Rodríguez
JSON-LD, Linked Data, Semantic Web, W3C
W3C France
01 July
Inria célèbre les 25 ans du Web avec Tim Berners-Lee (Inria celebrates 25 years of the Web with Tim Berners-Lee), Bernard Gidon
CSS, HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Access IQ
01 July
The pros and cons of accessibility professional associations, Scott Hollier
Accessibility, W3C, Web Accessibility Initiative


30 June
"Safari siempre va muy por detrás", entrevista a Lea Verou (W3C) (Safari always lags behind" interview Lea Verou (W3C)), Miguel López
30 June
Logius ale eerste Nederlandse overheidsorganisatie lid van W3C (Logius first Dutch government organization member of W3C),
Direction's Magazine
30 June
Report from OGC/W3C Linking Geospatial Data Workshop, Phil Archer
Data on the Web Best Practices, HTTP, Linked Data, OWL, RDF, Semantic Web, SKOS, SPARQL, W3C, XML
PC World
30 June
With components, Google agitates for a revolution in Web development, Joab Jackson
CSS, HTML, W3C, Web Components
The Register
26 June
I/O: Google's new design language will RULE OVER 'DROIDS, Gavin Clarke
W3C, Web Components
Mozilla Hacks
25 June
ServiceWorkers and Firefox, Nikhil Marathe, Andrew Overholt
Push API, Service Workers
Le Point
25 June
Tim Berners-Lee : "Edward Snowden a besoin d'être protégé" (Tim Berners-Lee : "Edward Snowden needs to be protected"), Guillaume Grallet
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Mozilla Hacks
23 June
WebIDE Lands in Nightly, Dave Camp
Tech Crunch
23 June
Mozilla Launches Built-In HTML5 App Development Environment For Firefox, Frederic Lardinois
23 June
rebeccapurple: Wie der Tod eines Kindes die Webentwicklerszene berührt (rebeccapurple: How the death of a child touches the web developer scene), Kim Rixecker
CSS, CSS Color Module Level 4, CSS Working Group, HTML, W3C
23 June
Microsoft Research dévoile une future bibliothèque cryptographique sous JavaScript (Microsoft Research Unveils future JavaScript cryptographic library), Arsene Newman
HTML, W3C, Web Cryptography API
Heise Online
19 June
Last Call für HTML 5.0 (Last Call for HTML 5.0), Julia Schmidt
HTML, HTML Working Group, W3C
Online Media Daily
19 June
Ad Industry Urges Web Standards Group To Abandon Do-Not-Track Effort, Wendy Davis
Do Not Track, W3C
19 June
W3C: HTML5 is just about closer to taking the next step toward almost being done, Scott M. Fulton, III
The Register
18 June
Microsoft eggheads publish JavaScript crypto code for devs, Richard Chirgwin
HTML, W3C, Web Cryptography API
18 June
Le HTML5 bientôt validé par le W3C (HTML5 soon approved by W3C), David Feugey
HTML, HTML Working Group, W3C
WWW Watch
18 June
HTML5 仕様が最終草案 (Last Call Working Draft) に差し戻し (HTML5 specification returns to Last Call Working Draft),
Semantic Web Journal
18 June
The Semantic Web Journal Celebrates the 25th Anniversary of the Web, Krzysztof Janowicz
Linked Data, OWL, RDF, Semantic Web, SPARQL, W3C
Knight Blog
18 June
The World Wide Web Consortium at 20: Moving the Web toward its ‘full potential’, Tim Berners-Lee
ZDNet France
18 June
HTML5 : le W3C devrait finaliser la spécification avant la fin de l’année, Louis Adam
The Register
17 June
Sneak peek: Microsoft's next browser (thanks, IE Developer Channel), Neil McAllister
Gamepad API, W3C, WebDriver API
Le Monde Économie
17 June
Paris, vitrine de la « French Touch » numérique (Paris, showcasing the digital "French Touch"), Elian Peltier
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Microsoft Open Technologies
17 June
W3C UPDATE: Putting the Final Polish on HTML 5.0, Paul Cotton
HTML, HTML Canvas 2D, HTML Working Group, W3C
France 24
17 June
Interview: Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of World Wide Web, Marjorie Paillon
Tim Berners-Lee
Redmond Magazine
17 June
HTML5 on Track for W3C Finalization by Year's End, Kurt Mackie
HTML, HTML Working Group, W3C
17 June
Tim Berners-Lee: "Oui, le Web est né en France...." (Tim Berners-Lee: "Yes, the Web was born in France ...."), Laurent Calixte
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
16 June
Facebook va ignorer le Do Not Track (Facebook will ignore Do Not Track), Mathieu Chartier
Do Not Track, W3C
13 June
Fabien Gandon, Inria : Le Web dans 25 ans,
Tim Berners-Lee
Laboratory Equipment
13 June
Tech Lets You Track Your Data Online, Larry Hardesty
CSS, HTTP, Semantic Web, Tim Berners-Lee, URI, W3C, XML
The Economist
07 June
Technology Quarterly, Q2 2014: You’re in my browser,
05 June
Inria célèbre les 25 ans du Web avec Tim Berners-Lee,
CSS, HTML, Tim Berners-Lee
Developer Economics
02 June
Is HTML5 about to make a comeback?, Mark Wilcox
ZDNet France
02 June
WebRTC pour Firefox : Skype a du souci à se faire ?, Louis Adam
Light Reading
02 June
What WebRTC Means for Telcos, Sarah Reedy


SD Times
30 May
SD Times 100: The Elements of Success,
The Register
29 May
'Hello? Hello? Yes, I'm calling you on my WEB BROWSER', Neil McAllister
29 May
La Publicidad HTML5 derrota a los tradicionales anuncios en Flash (HTML5 advertising defeats traditional ads in Flash),
El País
28 May
Necesitamos una Carta Magna para Internet (We need a Magna Carta for Internet), Tim Berners-Lee
28 May
Can Digital Rights Management and the Open Web Coexist?, Chris Minnick and Ed Tittel
Encrypted Media Extensions, HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
The New York Times | Bits
21 May
California Urges Websites to Disclose Online Tracking, Vindu Goel
Do Not Track, W3C
15 May
Mozilla begrudgingly decides to adopt Adobe's DRM, Chris Duckett
Encrypted Media Extensions, HTML, W3C
15 May
So Long, Open Web: Mozilla Accepts Closed Source DRM and We All Lose, Danny O'Brien
Encrypted Media Extensions, HTML, W3C
The Register
14 May
Mozilla agrees to add DRM support to Firefox – under protest, Iain Thomson
Encrypted Media Extensions, HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
14 May
Mozilla holds its nose and supports DRM video in Firefox, Stephen Shankland
Encrypted Media Extensions, HTML, W3C
Tech Crunch
14 May
Mozilla Relents, Says It Will Implement HTML5 DRM Solution In Firefox, Frederic Lardinois
Encrypted Media Extensions, HTML, W3C
The Guardian | Technology
14 May
Firefox’s adoption of closed-source DRM breaks my heart, Cory Doctorow
Encrypted Media Extensions, HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
08 May
Should cloud services treat a million end-user devices equally?, Joe McKendrick
Data Guidance
08 May
USA: W3C's 'huge milestone' on DNT, moves to Last Call status,
Do Not Track, Tracking Preference Expression, Tracking Protection, W3C
The Telegraph
07 May
Tim Berners-Lee warns Facebook against web takeover, Matt Warman
Tim Berners-Lee
Electronic Frontier Foundation
06 May
International Day Against DRM: Whatever Happened to the W3C?, Danny O'Brien
Encrypted Media Extensions, HTML, W3C
Huffington Post: The World Post
06 May
We Need a Magna Carta for the Internet, Tim Berners-Lee
Pittsburgh Post Gazette
05 May
Ced Kurtz's Techman Texts: Netflix upgrades fight for net neutrality, Ced Kurtz
Heise Online
03 May
Yahoo ignoriert Do Not Track bewusst (Yahoo ignores Do Not Track deliberately), Daniel AJ Sokolov
Do Not Track, Tracking Preference Expression, Tracking Protection, W3C
Spiegel Online
02 May
Yahoo verzichtet auf "Do Not Track" (Yahoo waived "Do Not Track"), Jörg Breithut
IDG News
02 May
Yahoo drops 'Do Not Track' policy in favor of 'personalized' experience, Mark Hachman
Clubic Pro
02 May
Do Not Track et vie privée : Yahoo! jette l'éponge (Do Not Track and Privacy: Yahoo! throws in the towel), Guillaume Belfiore
Do Not Track, HTTP, W3C


Yahoo Global Public Policy
30 April
Yahoo’s Default = A Personalized Experience, Yahoo Privacy Team
29 April
Ad Industry Will Soon Unveil a Do Not Track Browser Solution, Katy Bachman
Do Not Track, Tracking Protection, W3C
Market Research Daily Research News
28 April
Legal Update: Do Not Track Stirs; IAB Anti-Fraud Launch,
Do Not Track, W3C
Online Media Daily
25 April
Web Standards Group Moves Forward With Do-Not-Track Effort, Wendy Davis
Do Not Track, W3C
25 April
Internetkonferenz Netmundial - Ein vager Kompromiss (Netmundial - Beyond vague compromise), Johannes Kuhn, Pascal Paukner
24 April
Brazil's internet move globally acclaimed,
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
24 April
Perth wins World Wide Web conference for 2017, Emma Gardiner
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
App Developer Magzaine
24 April
Intel’s Updated App Framework 2.1 JavaScript Library for HTML5 Mobile App Development, Richard Harris
CSS, CSS Selectors, HTML, W3C
22 April
„Net Mundial“ in São Paulo - Wer regiert denn eigentlich im Netz? („Net Mundial“ in São Paulo - Who is actually governing the web?), Wolfgang Kleinwächter
Sys-Con Media
17 April
How to Develop Apps for Vehicles, Kevin Benedict
17 April
The ultimate guide to staying anonymous and protecting your privacy online, Grant Brunner
Do Not Track, HTTP, W3C
17 April
It’s Time to Encrypt the Entire Internet, Klint Finley
Payments Source
11 April
Standardizing Web Payments Could Shake Up Industry Incumbents, Bailey Reutzel
W3C, Web Payment
10 April
Internet Explorer: Another sign of a faster, more open Microsoft, Mary Branscombe
The Next Web
09 April
Chrome 34 launches with support for responsive images, unprefixed Web Audio, and importing supervised users, Emil Protalinski
Audio API, W3C
09 April
Google Chrome now remembers the passwords your bank doesn’t want it to, Lee Matthews
KBS World Radio
09 April
Internetexperten aus der ganzen Welt kommen in Seoul zusammen (Internet experts from around the world come together in Seoul),
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Banking Tech
07 April
Real-time payments: coming to America?, Tom Groenfeldt
IT World
03 April
Web developers less concerned about browser-compatibility, more concerned with HTML5, Phil Johnson
Computer World
02 April
Ad tracking: Is anything being done?, Robert L. Mitchell
Do Not Track, Tracking Compliance and Scope, Tracking Preference Expression, Tracking Protection, W3C


IT World
31 March
Accessible technology professionals will soon be able to get certified, Phil Johnson
Accessibility, Accessible Rich Internet Applications, W3C
Microfinance Monitor
29 March
How www (World Wide Web) was born at CERN 25 years ago?,
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Digital Journal
26 March
The Apache Software Foundation Celebrates Document Freedom Day 2014,
Accessibility, Linked Data, OWL, RDF, SVG, W3C, XML, XSL
24 March
Brendan Eich, Mozilla's alpha nerd, takes over as CEO (Q&A), Stephen Shankland
24 March
Half full or half empty? HTML5's mixed outlook, Paul Krill
CSS, DOM, HTML, SVG, Websocket
IT World
24 March
The W3C makes Accessible Rich Internet Applications a web standard, Phil Johnson
Accessibility, Accessible Rich Internet Applications, W3C, Web Accessibility Initiative
22 March
Should anyone worry about the US ceding control of the Internet?, Bob Diddlebock
20 March
Pharmaceutical and IT Communities Collaborate on OASIS Clinical Trial Data Standard for Content Management Systems,
Semantic Web, W3C
Manorama Online
20 March
Flash is replaced by HTML 5: Alan Bird, Arathi Kannan
CSS, Digital Publishing, HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C, W3C Offices
20 March
Bitcoin's promise: a financial revolution the web's been waiting for,
W3C, Web Payment
CNET Japan
19 March
ウェブ誕生から25年--生みの親T・バーナーズ・リー氏が語る次のステップ(後編)(25th birthday of the web - creator Tim Berners-Lee talks about the next step (second part)),
Technical Architecture Group, Tim Berners-Lee
The Next Web
18 March
Firefox 28 arrives with VP9 video decoding, Web notifications on OS X, HTML5 video and audio volume controls, Emil Protalinski
17 March
Public Interest Registry Announces Support for Internet Technical Leaders in Welcoming IANA Globalization Progress,
CNET Japan
17 March
ウェブ誕生から25年--生みの親T・バーナーズ・リー氏が語る次のステップ(前編)(25th birthday of the web - creator Tim Berners-Lee talks about the next step (first part)),
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Digital Journal
14 March
U.S. to relinquish key oversight role for Internet,
The Register
13 March
Web inventor Berners-Lee: I so did NOT see this cat vid thing coming, Iain Thomson
HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
MIT Technology Review
13 March
For the Web's Birthday, a Look Back, Rachel Metz
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Wired UK
13 March
The web was almost called the Mine of Information, Olivia Solon
HTML, Tim Berners-Lee
La Prensa
13 March
La www evoluciona (The www evolves),
HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
La Nacion
13 March
Las bodes de plata de la Web: 25 años de una idea que cambió el mundo (he silver anniversary of the Web: 25 Years of an idea that changed the world), Pablo Gutiérrez
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
CIO East Africa
13 March
Tim Berners-Lee: We need a free Web, except when we don't, Mark Hachman
Tim Berners-Lee
13 March
#Web25, Net Neutrality and Open Source, Imanga Kay
Tim Berners-Lee
The Telegraph
12 March
World Wide Web creator calls for an online Magna Carta, Alice Philipson
Jeff Jaffe, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Web Times Media
12 March
Anniversaire : le World Wide Web a 25 ans aujourd'hui (Birthday: World Wide Web is 25 years old today), Jean-Pierre Largillet
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
New Scientist
12 March
Facebook drones alone won't help the offline world, Aviva Rutkin
W3C, Web Payment
Le Monde Technologies
12 March
Vingt-cinq ans après avoir créé le Web, Berners-Lee veut une charte de l'Internet» (twenty-five years after creating the Web, Berners-Lee wants a "Charter of the Internet"),
Tim Berners-Lee
12 March
25 years after inventing the web, Tim Berners-Lee invites users to help draft global “bill of rights”, David Meyer
Tim Berners-Lee
CNET Korea
12 March
WWW 4반세기, 세계가 하나로 묶였다 (WWW is a quarter of century, the world is connected as one),
Tim Berners-Lee
ET News
12 March
[이슈분석]웹 탄생 25년, 다가올 25년을 대비하라 ([Issue Analysis - Web was born in '25, Prepare for the coming 25 years),
Tim Berners-Lee
12 March
www 25번째 생일 축하해! (www 25th birthday celebration!), 정세진
Tim Berners-Lee
KBS News
12 March
‘월드 와이드 웹’ 탄생 25주년 이제는 만물로 ("World Wide Web" was born 25 years ago),
12 March
Web-Pionier: Freiheit im Netz ist Menschenrecht (Web Pioneer: Freedom on the Net is a human right),
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
The Kathimerini
12 March
Η ελληνική συμμετοχή στη δημιουργία του Διαδικτύου (The Greek participation in the creation of the Internet), Tassos Oikonomou
HTTP, Semantic Web, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
La Croix
12 March
Le «www.» fête ses 25 ans (The "www." celebrating its 25th anniversary), Audrey Dufour
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Scientific American Blog
12 March
The Web Turns 25…Sort of, Mark Fischetti
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Le Vif
12 March
" Le Net est peut-être la seule chance que nous ayons d'échapper à la catastrophe mondiale" ("The Internet is perhaps the only chance we have to escape the global catastrophe"), Vincent Genot
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
CBC News
12 March
Web founder Tim Berners-Lee calls for internet bill of rights,
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
The Globe and Mail
12 March
Happy birthday Internet, you need a 'bill of rights' says Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee,
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
12 March
La "world wide web" crumple 25 años con claros desafíos en acceso y privacidad (The "world wide web" turns 25 with clear challenges in access and privacy),
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
El País
12 March
Berners-Lee pide una Carta Magna para la Red (Berners-Lee calls for Magna Carta for the Web),
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
El Mundo
12 March
La web cumple 25 años (The web turns 25),
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Stuttgarter Zeitung
12 March
Die Idee für das WWW ist heute 25 Jahre alt (The idea for the World Wide Web is now 25 years old),
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
The Start Online
12 March
Web founder Berners-Lee calls for online 'Magna Carta' to protect users, Costas Pitas, Belinda Goldsmith, Alison Williams
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
El Economista
12 March
La web crumple 25 años con la aspiración de una "Carta Magna" contra el espionaje (The web turns 25 years with the demand for a "Magna Carta" against eavesdropping),
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
12 March
Web founder Berners-Lee calls for online 'Magna Carta' to protect users,
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
12 March
Internet compie 25 anni. Tim Berners-Lee: "Il web deve essere un diritto di tutti" (The Internet is 25 years old. Tim Berners-Lee: "The web should be a right for all"),
HTTP, Tim Berners-Lee, URL, W3C
Daily Mail
12 March
Web creator Berners-Lee calls for digital 'Magna Carta' to enshrine rights of users across the world on 25th anniversary, Lucy Crossley
Jeff Jaffe, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Le Populaire
12 March
L'appel de Tim Berners-Lee pour les 25 ans du Web (The call from Tim Berners-Lee at the occasion of 25 years of the Web),
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Yahoo! Notizie Italia
12 March
Internet alla boa del quarto di secolo: il web com pie 25 anni (Internet to mark quarter of century: the web turns 25),
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
London Evening Standard
12 March
Campaigners back web creator Sir Tim Berners-Lee's call for 'Magna Carta' to protect internet users, Ross Lydall
Tim Berners-Lee
Herald Scotland
12 March
Tim Berners-Lee: we need a digital Magna Carta to protect web users,
Tim Berners-Lee
The Independent
12 March
25 years of the World Wide Web: Tim Berners-Lee explains how it all began, Jonathan Owen
Tim Berners-Lee
PR Newswire
12 March
El mundo celebra los 25 años de internet (The World Celebrates 25 Years of the Web),
Tim Berners-Lee
PR Newswire
12 March
Le monde entier fête le 25e anniversaire du Web (The World Celebrates 25 Years of the Web),
Tim Berners-Lee
PR Newswire
12 March
O Mundo Comemora os 25 Anos da Web (The World Celebrates 25 Years of the Web),
Tim Berners-Lee
PR Newswire
12 March
The World Celebrates 25 Years of the Web,
Tim Berners-Lee
PR Newswire
12 March
Welt feiert 25 Jahre Internet (World celebrates 25 years of Internet),
Tim Berners-Lee
Modern Syntax
12 March
3月12日は「ウェブ25周年」、記念サイト公開 ("Web 25 anniversary", Memorial site published March 12),
Tim Berners-Lee
12 March
今日がWeb生誕25周年の記念日 (25th anniversary of the birth of Web today),
Tim Berners-Lee
WWW Watch
12 March
Happy Birthday World Wide Web - WWW が考案から 25周年 (25 anniversary of the proposal of the WWW - Happy Birthday World Wide Web),
Tim Berners-Lee
Internet Watch
12 March
3月12日は「ウェブ25周年」、記念サイト公開 ("Web 25 anniversary", Memorial site published March 12),
Tim Berners-Lee
12 March
World Wide Web Foundation and World Wide Web Consortium ◎世界がウェブ誕生25周年を祝う (World Wide Web Foundation and World Wide Web Consortium celebrate the 25th anniversary of the web),
Tim Berners-Lee
12 March
Web発明から25周年 「ティム・バーナーズ・リーだけど質問ある?」開催 (25th anniversary of the invention of the Web, Tim Berners-Lee's Ask Me Anything),
Tim Berners-Lee
12 March
In the Beginning…of Web in Federal Government, Andrea Sigritz
12 March
Video: Cyber celebration: World Wide Web turns 25,
Le Figaro
12 March
L'univers du web en 5 chiffres clés, Guillaume Errard
Tim Berners-Lee
Tech Spot
12 March
The World Wide Web Turns 25: A Timeline, Jose Vilches
12 March
Tim Berners-Lee Takes To Google Blog To Call For Advancement Of Open Web, Chris Crum
Tim Berners-Lee
12 March
The Web Is 25 — And The Semantic Web Has Been An Important Part Of It, Jennifer Zaino
JSON-LD, Linked Data, PICS, RDF, Semantic Web, SPARQL, Tim Berners-Lee, URI, W3C, XML
Presse Citron
12 March
Le web a 25 ans, ça méritait un article #web25 (The web is 25 years old it deserved an article # web25), Setra
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
The Verge
12 March
Inventor of the web marks its 25th anniversary by calling for net neutrality, Rich McCormick
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Le Figaro
12 March
À 25 ans, le Web est jugé «indispensable» par la plupart des Français (At 25, the web is considered "essential" by most French), Benjamin Ferran
12 March
25 Jahre WWW: Als das Web notch Neuland war (25 years of WWW: When the Web was still new territory), Kim Rixecker
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
PC World
12 March
As Web turns 25, its creator, Tim Berners-Lee, calls for a 'Magna Carta', Mark Hachman
Tim Berners-Lee
PC Magazine
12 March
The Rise, Fall, and Rise of the Web: 25 Years in 5 Acts, Sascha Segan
Tim Berners-Lee
Digital Trends
12 March
Happy 25th Birthday, World Wide Web! Here’s how you changed the world, Matt Smith
CSS, HTML, HTTP, Tim Berners-Lee, URI, W3C
12 March
The Web at 25: Revisiting Tim Berners-Lee’s Amazing Proposal, Harry McCracken
Tim Berners-Lee
12 March
W3C boss Jeff Jaffe explains how the web will beat smartphone apps and keep growing, Jack Schofield
Digital Publishing, HTML, Jeff Jaffe, W3C, Web Payment
The Guardian
12 March
Tim Berners-Lee: 'We should have ways of protecting people like Snowden', Katie Rogers
Tim Berners-Lee
The Verge
12 March
Creator of the web never expected it to be used for 'kittens', Chris Welch
Tim Berners-Lee
Opera News
12 March
25 facts. Celebrating the web’s 25th birthday., Magnus Peter Langeland
CSS, HTML, Tim Berners-Lee
IT World
12 March
25 years of the World Wide Web, Sharon Gaudin
Tim Berners-Lee
M2M Evolution
12 March
25 Years Later: The Web of Things, Carl Ford
Tim Berners-Lee
Univers Freebox
12 March
Le World Wide Web fête ses 25 ans (World Wide Web celebrates its 25th birthday), Arthur Velicitat
HTML, HTTP, Tim Berners-Lee
The Mozilla Blog
12 March
25 Years of Human Potential, Mitchell Baker
Computerworld | Richi Jennings Blog
12 March
Happy Birthday World Wide Web!, Richi Jennings
Tim Berners-Lee
Computer World
12 March
25 years of the World Wide Web, Sharon Gaudin
Tim Berners-Lee
Google Blog
12 March
On the 25th anniversary of the web, let’s keep it free and open, Tim Berners-Lee
Tim Berners-Lee
12 March
1989-2014: il Web compie 25 anni, Giacomo Dotta
Tim Berners-Lee
12 March
Tanti auguri, Web (Such a great history, Web), Giacomo Dotta
Tim Berners-Lee
Fast Company
12 March
Happy 25th Birthday, World Wide Web! Our Gift: An Intentionally Brief History Of You, Chris Gayomali
Tim Berners-Lee
12 March
Tim Berners-Lee: The Web needs its freedom, Kieron Monks and Mark Tutton
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
MSN Tech
12 March
The 25 most important people in 25 years of the World Wide Web, David Nield
Tim Berners-Lee
IDG Now!
12 March
World Wide Web faz 25 anos e promote a Web We Want (World Wide Web turns 25 and promotes Web We Want),
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
The Guardian
12 March
A partial history of the open web, in snakes and ladders form, Sean Clarke, Garry Blight and Simon Jeffery
Tim Berners-Lee
12 March
Le World Wide Web fête ses vingt-cinq ans (The World Wide Web celebrates its 25th birthday), Cécile Bolesse
Tim Berners-Lee
Spiegel Online
12 March
Tim Berners-Lee über das Web: "Nichts ist perfect" (Tim Berners-Lee on the Web: "Nothing is perfect"), Marcel Rosenbach
Tim Berners-Lee
Sky News
12 March
World Wide Web Celebrates 25 Years, David MacLean
Tim Berners-Lee
Le Monde Technologies
12 March
« Le Web fait de plus en plus partie des droits de l'homme » ("The Web is increasingly part of human rights"), Yves Eudes, Damien Leloup
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
BBC News Technology
12 March
The web and me: A 25-year relationship,
Tim Berners-Lee
BBC News Technology
12 March
Sir Tim Berners-Lee: the future web [video],
Tim Berners-Lee
BBC News Technology
12 March
Sir Tim Berners-Lee: World wide web needs bill of rights,
Tim Berners-Lee
The Science Museum Blog
12 March
Happy 25th Birthday World Wide Web!, Tilly Blyth
Tim Berners-Lee
Journal du Geek
12 March
Le « World Wide Web » fête ses 25 ans #web25 (The World Wide Web celebrates 25th birthday #web25),
Tim Berners-Lee
12 March
World Wide Web born at CERN 25 years ago, Cian O'Luanaigh
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
The Guardian
12 March
An online Magna Carta: Berners-Lee calls for bill of rights for web, Jemima Kiss
Tim Berners-Lee
12 March
12 Open Source Software From W3C,
Amaya, CSS Validator, HTML, HTTP, W3C, XHTML, XML Schema
Digital Times
11 March
WWW 공유와 소통의 장 (Sharing and communication in the WWW), 김지선
Tim Berners-Lee
Digital Times
11 March
WWW 탄생 25주년…`HTML5` 차기 표준 떠오른다 (25th anniversary of the birth of the WWW `HTML5` emerging next standard), 이형근
HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
The Huffington Post
11 March
Tim Berners-Lee Calls For 'Online Magna Carta' To Protect Net Neutrality On 25th Anniversary, Paul Vale
Jeff Jaffe, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Daily Mail
11 March
'Vague but exciting': How the web was described when Berners-Lee proposed the concept to his boss 25 years ago today, Victoria Woollaston
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C, W3C Patent Policy
Le Monde Économie
11 March
Les 25 ans du Web (The 25th anniversary of Web), Marlène Duretz
Tim Berners-Lee
11 March
Tim Berners-Lee: 25 years on, the Web still needs work (Q&A), Stephen Shankland
HTML, HTTP, Tim Berners-Lee, URL, W3C, WebRTC
Toronto Star
11 March
What is the significance of March 12, 1989?,
Tim Berners-Lee
Digits - WSJ
11 March
What the Internet of 2025 Might Look Like, Brian R. Fitzgerald
The New York Times | Bits
11 March
As the Web Turns 25, Its Creator Talks About Its Future, Nick Bilton
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
11 March
25 Facts Celebrating 25 Years of the Web, Angela Guess
Tim Berners-Lee
IT Business.ca
11 March
World Wide Web inventor hosts Reddit ‘Ask Me Anything’ on web’s 25th anniversary, Brian Jackson
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
11 March
Le web a 25 ans (The web is 25 years old), Julien L.
HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
The British Library | Web Archive Blog
11 March
‘Vague, but exciting’ - #web25, Hhockx
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
11 March
1989-2014: il Web compie 25 anni (1989-2014: The Web turns 25), Giovanni Bruno
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Pew Research
11 March
Digital Life in 2025, Janna Anderson and Lee Rainie
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Pew Research
11 March
Statement from Sir Tim Berners-Lee on the 25th Anniversary of the Web,
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Pew Research
11 March
The Web at 25,
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Mittelstand Café
10 March
Studie: 82 Prozent der Online-Marketer glauben an negative Auswirkungen durch Datenschutzveränderungen (Study: 82 percent of online marketers believe in negative impacts of privacy changes),
Do Not Track, W3C
Heise Online
10 March
App-Lego: Mozilla veröffentlicht Bibliothek aus Webkomponenten (App Lego: Mozilla released library of Web Components), Alexander Neumann
CSS, W3C, Web Components
Zone Numérique
10 March
Tim Berners-Lee, l’inventeur du Web veut mettre en place une « charte » (Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the Web wants to establish a "charter"),
Tim Berners-Lee
10 March
Le World Wide Web fête ses 25 ans (The World Wide Web celebrates 25th birthday), Antoine Crochet-Damais
HTTP, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Les numériques
10 March
Le World Wide Web souffle sa 25e bougie (The World Wide Web blows its 25th candle), Axel Mendy
Tim Berners-Lee
10 March
Internet fête les 25 ans du Web (Internet celebrates 25 years of the Web), David Feugey
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
10 March
The Web at 25: I was a teenage dial-up addict, Eric Mack
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
10 March
9 website pioneers, Flora Zhang
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Brand Republic
10 March
EBay: the future of retail is omnichannel - retail must be seamless #web25, Tanya Lawler
Tim Berners-Lee
Herald Scotland
09 March
Happy 25th birthday www: but what if you'd never been invented?,
09 March
Le Web fête ses 25 ans (The Web celebrates its 25th birthday),
Tim Berners-Lee
Ouest France
09 March
Internet. Les 25 ans du "World Wide Web" (Internet. The 25th anniversary of the "World Wide Web"),
Tim Berners-Lee
09 March
Evénement sur le net: le "World Wide Web" fête ses 25 ans,
Tim Berners-Lee
The Guardian | Technology
09 March
25 things you might not know about the web on its 25th birthday, John Naughton
Semantic Web, Tim Berners-Lee, Web Services
09 March
Internet fête ses 25 ans (Internet celebrates its 25th birthday), Glenn Chapman
Tim Berners-Lee
The Drum
07 March
Infographic: Celebrating 25 years of the world wide web, Ishbel Macleod
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
07 March
'I struggled to see the internet's possibility, the global ability to marvel at lolcats' #web25, Mark Lund
Tim Berners-Lee
06 March
The Future Of The Web Is Audible, Reuven Cohen
CSS, HTML, W3C, Web Speech API
Heise Online
04 March
Britische Abgeordnete zur Überwachung: "Wir haben versagt" (British MPs for the monitoring: "We have failed"), Monika Ermert, Martin Holland
PR Newswire
04 March
Plan to End US Control of ICANN Submitted to Brazil Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance,
03 March
The Boston Globe Launches BetaBoston.com, Covering Startups and the Culture of Invention in Boston,
03 March
#web25 Tim Berners-Lee: 'Creating the web was really an act of desperation', Rachel Barnes
Tim Berners-Lee
Heise Online
02 March
Wo-möglich-Verschlüsselung für mehr Sicherheit (Where possible, encryption for greater security), Monika Ermert, Urs Mansmann


28 February
Chrome 34 Beta introduces hands-free Voice Search, Nick Peers
Audio API, CSS, W3C
28 February
Where is interoperability for social media?, Dion Hinchcliffe
Le Nouvel Observateur | Obsession
27 February
Firefox OS, le système mobile (presque) made in France (Firefox OS, the mobile operating system (almost) made ​​in France, Boris Manenti
Circle ID
26 February
Papers Now Available Publicly for W3C/IAB "Strengthening the Internet" Workshop, Dan York
Heise Online
26 February
W3C aktualisiert Metadatenformat RDF (W3C updated RDF metadata format), Christian Kirsch
The Telegraph
25 February
25 years of the World Wide Web: 25 Web superstars, Sophie Curtis
HTTP, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
25 February
¿Qué ha sido de HTML5? (What has become of HTML5?), Manu Mateos
CSS, HTML, MathML, SVG, W3C, Web Storage API, XML
The Register
25 February
Evil or benign? 'Trusted proxy' draft debate rages on, Richard Chirgwin
HTTP, URL, W3C, Web Application Security Working Group
Faro de Vigo
25 February
MWC14: Gallegos en la meca sundial de la tecnología (MWC14: Galician in the world mecca of technology), Amaia Mauleón
24 February
Servo: Inside Mozilla's mission to reinvent the web browser for the multi-core age, Nick Heath
CSS, DOM, HTML, Testing, W3C
23 February
Mozilla signs a deal to make the world’s cheapest smartphone: Firefox OS device with 3.5” screen and HTML5 apps, Victor H.
La Stampa
21 February
Il future della governance di Internet post Datagate: il Brasile dà l’esempio (The future of Internet governance after Datagate: Brazil leads the way), Federico Guerrini
21 February
Cut SVG file size by 66%+ with SVG Cleaner, Mike Williams
18 February
OGC invites Mobile World Congress attendees to GeoPackage and IndoorGML workshops and an Augmented Reality interoperability demo,
Canada NewsWire
18 February
Espial Invited to Showcase HTML5 User Experience in the W3C Booth at Mobile World Congress,
15 February
Web Apps Raise The Ceiling Above HTML5 As Famo.us Recreates Facebook's Paper, Anthony Wing Kosner
Heise Online
12 February
Studie: HTML5 ist in der Multiplattform-Entwicklung gesetzt (Study: HTML5 is set in the multi-platform development), Alexander Neumann
07 February
HTML5 trumping iOS among app developers in emerging mobile markets, Nick Heath
07 February
Tim Berners-Lee: We need a Web that's open and international, Lance Whitney
Tim Berners-Lee
Ars Technica
06 February
Tim Berners-Lee: We need to re-decentralize the Web, Liat Clark
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Wired UK
06 February
Tim Berners-Lee: we need to re-decentralise the web, Liat Clark
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Wired UK
06 February
Web at 25,
Tim Berners-Lee
04 February
JSON-LD Reaches W3C Recommendation Status, Steve Klabnik
JSON-LD, Linked Data, RDF Working Group, Semantic Web, SPARQL, W3C
03 February
Forrester: HTML5 apps still not as good as native apps, Serdar Yegulalp


Access IQ
31 January
An interview with Australian accessibility pioneer Dr Andrew Arch, Scott Hollier
Accessibility, W3C, WCAG
Telematics Update
30 January
Is HTML5 the silver bullet for automotive app development?, Andrew Thompson and Pádraig McGarrigle
30 January
Le W3C fédère l’écosystème du paiement en ligne autour de HTML5 (W3C brings together the ecosystem of online payment around HTML5), Clément Bohic
mnot's Blog
30 January
Nine Things to Expect from HTTP/2, Mark Nottingham
Microsoft Open Technologies
30 January
Pointer Events Progress: Mozilla and Blink Communities Reach a Significant Engineering Milestone, Adalberto Foresti
CSS, Pointer Events API
NFC World
29 January
W3C publishes draft NFC API, Rian Boden
Near-Field communication, NFC Working Group, W3C
The Next Web
28 January
Amazon’s Appstore now lets developers charge for HTML5 Web apps, Emil Protalinski
Tech Crunch
28 January
Amazon Appstore Now Allows Developers To Charge For HTML5 Web Apps, Promote Them Through “Free App Of The Day”, Sarah Perez
Clubic Pro
28 January
W3C : vers une standardisation du paiement sur Internet (W3C: towards standardization of Internet payment), Guillaume Belfiore
News Banques
27 January
HTML5Apps : L’enjeu des paiements sur le Web pour fournisseurs et développeurs (HTML5Apps: The challenge of Web payments for vendors and web developers),
24 January
Sauberer Code: Die Validator-Suite von W3C im t3n-Test (Clean code: The Validator Suite of W3C in t3n-Test), Ilja Zaglov
CSS, HTML, Internationalization, mobileOK Checker, Validator Suite, W3C
20 January
«Mir missfallen Überwachung und Zensur» ("I am displeased surveillance and censorship"), Ivo Ruch
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Adobe Standards at W3C Blog
18 January
The W3C Updates Process for More Agile Standards Development, Stephen Zilles
Process Document, W3C
17 January
Chrome 33 beta : cap sur les Web Components (Chrome 33 beta: headed on Web Components), Antoine Crochet-Damais
CSS, HTML, W3C, Web Components, Web Speech API
17 January
Web steps closer to baking-in support for NFC payments and data swapping, Nick Heath
HTML, Near-Field communication, W3C
Heise Online
17 January
Chromes Beta-Version erlaubt benutzerdefinierte HTML-Elemente (Chrome Beta version allows custom HTML elements), Christian Kirsch
HTML, W3C, Web Components
16 January
JSON-LD is an official Web Standard, Eric Franzon
JSON-LD, Linked Data, Semantic Web, W3C
SD Times
14 January
Analyst Watch: Native vs. Web: The debate continues, Al Hilwa
14 January
Fewer than 0.01 percent of mobile apps will be financially successful by 2018, predicts Gartner, Ben Lovejoy
SD Times
13 January
HTML5: Myths and misconceptions, Steve Hansen
13 January
Gartner Says Less Than One Percent of Consumer Mobile Apps Will Be Considered a Financial Success by Their Developers Through 2018,
Tech Crunch
13 January
App Monetization To Get Tougher Still, With Gartner Predicting 94.5% Of Downloads Will Be Free By 2017, Natasha Lomas
Tech Dirt
13 January
Hollywood Needs The Internet More Than The Internet Needs Hollywood... So Why Is The W3C Pretending Otherwise?, Mike Masnick
The Guardian
12 January
Two decades on, we must preserve the internet as a tool of democracy, Jemima Kiss
Semantic Web, Tim Berners-Lee
Associastions now
10 January
MPAA Joins Web Standards Group Amid Digital Rights Controversy, Ernie Smith
HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Microsoft Open Technologies
09 January
Acceptance of Media Source Extensions as W3C Candidate Recommendation will accelerate adoption of dash.js, Ross Gardler
Media Source Extensions, W3C
CNET France
09 January
CES 2014 : la MPAA rejoint le W3C (CES 2014: MPAA joins W3C),
Encrypted Media Extensions, HTML, W3C
iX Magazin
09 January
W3C-Mitglied MPAA: Hollywood will an Web-Standards mitarbeiten (MPAA, W3C Member: Hollywood wants to work towards web standards), Christian Kirsch
Encrypted Media Extensions, HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
08 January
MPAA joins W3C, giving it a voice on the future of the web, James Delahunty
Encrypted Media Extensions, HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
PC World
08 January
Vimeo moves to default HTML5 player, says videos load faster, Jeremy Kirk
Generation NT
08 January
Surprise : la MPAA rejoint le W3C ! (Surprise: MPAA joins W3C!), Jérôme Garay
HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
08 January
La MPAA va faire son cinéma au W3C (The MPAA will do their playacting at the W3C), Stéphane Moussie
Encrypted Media Extensions, HTML, W3C
PC INpact
08 January
La MPAA rejoint le W3C en plein travail sur la standardisation des DRM (MPAA joins the W3C at work on standardizing DRM), Vincent Hermann
Encrypted Media Extensions, HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
08 January
The MPAA just joined the W3C, what could possibly go wrong?, Russell Holly
08 January
MPAA joins Web standards group amid video DRM dispute, Stephen Shankland
Encrypted Media Extensions, HTML, Jeff Jaffe, W3C
Chip Online
08 January
Internet: MPAA tritt W3C-Konsortium bei (Internet: MPAA joins W3C Consortium),
08 January
MPAA schließt sich W3C an – DRM in HTML5? (MPAA joins W3C - DRM in HTML5?),
HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
08 January
Filmindustrie krijgt inspraak op DRM in HTML5 (Film industry gets a say on DRM in HTML5), Henk-Jan Buist
HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Dziennik Internautów (DI)
08 January
MPAA dołącza do W3C, czyli antypiraci chcą współtworzyć internet (MPAA joins the W3C, anti-piracy wants ownership of the internet), Marcin Maj
HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
08 January
Hollywoodstudios treten World Wide Web Consortium bei (Hollywood studios enter the World Wide Web Consortium), Florian Kalenda
HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
08 January
Nacieron con objetivos opuestos pero ahora son amigos: la MPAA se une al W3C (Born with conflicting objectives but now friends: MPAA Joins W3C), Jaime Novoa
HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
08 January
Le W3C accueille le puissant lobby d'Hollywood comme membre (W3C welcomes the powerful Hollywood lobby as a member), Guillaume Champeau
08 January
Hollywood studios sign up for W3C membership, Chris Duckett
HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
Tech Crunch
07 January
Vimeo Rolls Out A Totally Rebuilt HTML5-Based Video Player, Ryan Lawler
Accessibility, HTML
07 January
Vimeo estrena oficialmente su nuevo reproductor HTML5 con subtítulos y compras integradas (Vimeo officially unveils its new HTML5 player with embedded subtitles and purchases), Miguel López
Accessibility, HTML
07 January
MPAA se suma al consortia W3C (MPAA joins the W3C), Esteban Zamorano
07 January
Semantic Web Business: Going Nowhere Slowly, Seth Grimes
Linked Data, RDF, Semantic Web, W3C
Tech Dirt
07 January
Not Cool: MPAA Joins The W3C, Mike Masnick
HTML, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
06 January
HTML5 in 2014: Is it time for a comeback?, Shane Schick
SD Times
03 January
Cross-origin resource sharing on track to become a W3C Recommendation, Rob Marvin
CORS, W3C, Web Application Security Working Group