Blog - 2007
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A story about namespaces, MIME types, and URIs
Noone seems to know where the story begins; Ian Jacobs reminded me about magic namespaces as I enjoyed breakfast on Thursday; Steven Pemberton and Bert Bos had told it to him, perhaps prompted by Ian Hickson's question in the URI-based...
- html
- mime
- uri
- xhtml
- xml
TPAC 2007 - HTML Working Group had informal jamming session!
It was intended to be a fun session for the HTML Working Group face to face meeting, but the word spread out and suddenly many people joined us at the room. The jam started and suddenly Tim Berners-Lee joined Dan Connolly, Steven Pemberton, Ian Jacobs, Janet Daly and others on the lyrics...
- html
- html5
- tpac
- tpac2007
- w3c
TPAC 2007 - HTML Working Group holds first face-to-face meeting
The time has come for the much anticipated HTML Working Group face to face meeting, at the W3C Technical Plenary / Advisory Committee Meetings Week in Cambridge, MA (USA).
- html
- html5
- tpac
- tpac2007
- w3c
TPAC 2007 - Cracks and Mortar
Tim Berners-Lee is taking the floor: "The world is a mess of interconnected communities and it is why it is working." Content-Type: is a way to define the content available at a specific URI. It gives flexibility for evolution. It...
- conference
- tpac
- tpac2007
- w3c
TPAC 2007 - Making Video a First-Class Citizen of the Web
After an entertaining and though-provoking session of lightning talks featuring (among others) fonts on the Web, efficient XML interchange and a dog in a plane cockpit, we return to the panel format for a discussion on "Making Video a First-Class...
- conference
- tpac
- tpac2007
- w3c
TPAC 2007 - URI-Based Extensibility: Benefits, Deviations, Lessons-Learned
The Technical plenary day is continuing. Someone in a comment earlier asked what TPAC was. TPAC means Technical Plenary and Advisory Committee meeting. All W3C Working groups and representatives of W3C are meeting. This year we open a bit more...
- conference
- html
- tpac
- tpac2007
- w3c
TPAC 2007 - Openness of W3C Working Groups
The participants of the W3C tech plenary are back from their lunch overlooking the gorgeous Charles river, to tackle the question of "openness". This is a development from a topic already raised today: a lot of people's lives and living...
- conference
- html
- tpac
- tpac2007
- w3c
TPAC 2007 - HTML 5, XHTML 2.0, Future Formats
The title, just by reading it, reminds me of long discussions for the past 6 months as the (interim) HTML WG staff contact. HTML 5 and XHTML 2.0 ; Many fights, many misunderstandings often due to deaf dialogs. Let's hope...
- conference
- html
- tpac
- tpac2007
- w3c