Blog - 2009
The W3C blog is for in-depth Web standards topics and educational materials. More information in About W3C Blog.
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Let's Make Every Day One Web Day!
Today is One Web Day! Since 1994 W3C has sought to ensure the Web is available to all people, from anywhere, on any device. Today I'd like to invite people to help build One Web by: Learning about the Web...
First Ever Developer Gathering during W3C Technical Plenary Week
Each year about 300 people who participate in various W3C groups meet face-to-face to exchange ideas, resolve technology issues, and socialize. We call this the W3C Technical Plenary (TPAC) Week, and it's my favorite set of W3C meetings. I enjoy...
How do we test a Web browser?
Testing all possible Web browsers out there is hard and requires more effort than one organization can afford by itself. The idea of increasing the level of Web browser testing done in W3C is to involve the community at large as much as possible. If we really want an interoperable Web, that's what W3C should move to.
- api
- css
- html
- html5
- svg
- test-suite
Linked Government Data
Last week, I jumped into my new role as eGovernment lead by attending a pair of gatherings in Washington. They left me pleasantly shocked at the enthusiasm in the US Government for both social software and open data, and wondering...
- egov
- linked-data
- semantic-web
- us-government