Blog - 2009
The W3C blog is for in-depth Web standards topics and educational materials. More information in About W3C Blog.
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HTML5 isn't a standard yet
By: Philippe le Hegaret
Watching the Google I/O first day keynote, I'm pleased to see the level of support and interest from Google about HTML5. Sure enough, I wished SVG would have been mentioned there, as they did for the Canvas API, since...
- html
- html5
Language semantics and operational meaning
W3C and other standards organizations are in the business of defining languages -- conventions that organizations can choose to follow -- and not in mandating operational behavior -- telling organizations and participants in the network how they are supposed...
Search Engines take on Structured Data
Structured data on the web got a boost this week, with Google's announcement of Rich Snippets and Rich Snippets in Custom Search. Structured data at such a large scale raises at least three issues:SyntaxVocabularyPolicyGoogle's documentation shows support for both microformats...
- html
- policy
- rdfa