Accessible payment

From W3C Wiki

This wiki page is for explore a method to enhance accessibility to Web payment, it's base on current technology and business model

Any idea is welcome, and if you want to give your comment directly, please contact Kenny Zhang (张昆).

English Version

Problem Description

In China, Web payment and mobile payment are both already quite mature in technology, and very practical in reality, a lot of people to be able to use web payment for online shopping, also for many offline service, e.g. pay Taxi fare. And not only that, the Internet companies which provide the 3rd party payment platform also began to offer more functions, such as funds transfer, investment and other financial usages, and even the credit mechanism have established which based on the 3rd party payment platform.

A major problem has not been neglected, the people who are elderly, disabled, and lives in information underdeveloped areas all could not easily use these effective methods for payment, they need to carrying cash when they are out of home, in reality, these people have a high probability of stolen\robbed\swindled, and in the emergency situations, these people can't contact their family or lack of cash, miss necessary assistance.

Also have blow several aspects is not considered by Web payment and the 3rd party payment platform.

  1. The elderly, is not accustomed to use technical device and Web technology, also have complex operation, remembering password, security all are serious issue for them.
  2. The people with disabled, especially for the blind, even they can use Internet with assistant tool very well, it's also probably the 3rd party payment platform or Web payment app not comply with WCAG, that caused the blind can't use web payment services
  3. The people who are live in information underdeveloped areas, they are lacking basic conditions to use Web payment, or even use the Internet.



One method is using current several technologies, the goal is for enhance accessibility of web payment, the key feature is that deferred payment is permitted since social network as part of credit mechanism,

  1. The QR code is taken as a medium in the whole payment architecture, it is generated by the 3rd party platform, have a connection with an unique user account, and user general information and funds.
  2. Similar with current the 3rd party payment platform, user information also including a reasonable connection with user bank account, beside these, user information in the 3rd payment platform should have the 2nd payer and the 3rd payer, even more payers, each payer should have unique account, and independent payment information.
  3. User pay money via scan QR coder, and will be able to receive an instant message (eg. SMS) in mobile device, user can confirm this dealing immediately.
  4. If user don't confirm this dealing within limiting time, the dealing will transfer to the 2nd payer, and by this analogy. User also can ask for someone payer in own account to pay this dealing.
  5. User can ask for someone payer in own account to pay remaining money of dealing, each dealing also send a confirm message to payer mobile device, and navigate payer to confirm information and complete the dealing.
  6. Each dealing will record payment information, and these information will use for part of credit status of payer and retailer.

Accessibility feature:

  1. QR code is easy to use, can be saved as hard copy or in a mobile device, in PC.
  2. The blind only take one card with QR code and don't need to carry cash ,he can pay his offline dealing,for example in super market, when he receive confirm message to his device, he only need to follow simple step to complete dealing, usually the device of blind people have a screen reader app.
  3. The elderly, same process, even he forget to confirm the dealing, the 2nd payer will help him to confirm dealing.
  4. The people who are live in information underdeveloped areas, easy to buy or shopping in other area, because have other people in his social network can endorse his dealing.
  5. In the emergency situations, for example, the people suddenly fall ill in street, public institution (Hospital, Police office) are able to complete dealing for the necessary medical assistance, and find his family out fastly, through scan his QR code.
  6. If QR code loosed or stolen, other person who take this QR code can't get anything, because he need to complete pay confirmation in own device to buy or deal something.



问题介绍(Problem Description)




  1. 老年人(elder),并不习惯使用复杂的科技设备,繁琐的操作、记忆密码、对信息安全的不信任都让他们觉得Web支付、互联网支付不可靠。
  2. 残障人士(People with disabled),比如视障群体(Visual impaired people),即使是他们能够通过辅助技术熟练地使用互联网、移动应用,由于这些应用的底层需要无障碍的信息开发技术,应用、互联网厂商没有遵照WCAG的规则开发应用,或者应用更新不及时,而导致残障群体使用互联网支付困难。
  3. 信息不发达地区的人群,他们缺少基础条件使用这种互联网支付,甚至是使用互联网。



这是一种利用二维码(QR code)、现有第三方支付体系(The third party payment)、社交网络(Social network)、信用信任机制(Credit mechanism)的支付方式,使支付方式更为简单方便。

  1. 利用二维码做为支付媒介,每个二维码代表唯一的用户信息,并在支付机构中绑定用户帐号,用户帐户有一定额度(小额度)的储存资金。
  2. 用户帐号,此部分与现有Web支付体系中涉及的用户信息基本相似,如上所述,它应包含一定额度的资金,但同时也应包含用户自行设定的第二支付人、第三支付人或者第N支付人用户帐号。
  3. 支付是通过扫描二维码,表明支付意向,用户会实时接收到确认支付通知(如短信通知)。
  4. 用户在某一时限内通过确认支方通知的引导,确认该支付,完成该支付。
  5. 当用户并没有在该时限内确认该支付,该支付转移到第二支付人完成支付,当第二人也没有该时限内确认该支付,支付款项转移到第三人完成支付,以此类推;用户也可特定帐户下的某一支付人,为某一交易支付。
  6. 用户也可以因为支付额度不够,而求助第二支付人,支付人负责完成其余款项的支付。
  7. 每一次支付,支付方、被支付方、及相关支付人都会有相应的信息记录,数据记录也可用于分析支付的顺利与否,了解支付方和被支付方的信用情况。

这是一种延迟的支付方法,用户有权在一定时限内完成支付,用户不需要携带现金,也不会担心错误或恶意的交易,因为确认支付是通过人为验证的,即使是在特殊情况下,支付验证被恶意地或反复地完成了,也可以通过第三方支付机构查找到被支付方。 同时,在社交网络的支持下,也可以用于大额度、小批次的支付,在这种支付的过程中,用户应会自行与其它支付人进行确认完成,并不需要第三方支付机构过多交涉。 由于存在第二支付人、第三支付人,通过社交网络做交叉验证,这种支付方式的增强了恶意注册帐户、恶意造假的成本。


  1. 二维码可以以实质或电子形式存在,携带方便,修复费用极低。
  2. 对于残障人士,比如视障人士,他们仅需要携带一张带有二维码的卡片或者储存在手机端的图片便可以完成支付,支付信息会通过短信通知等形式发送到他的手机上,手机读屏软件会帮助他确认支付额度,并引导他完成支付确认。
  3. 对于老年人,同样的流程,即使是他们忘记支付、或者不确认支付,其它支付人也会帮助他们确认交易。
  4. 对于信息不发达地区的人群,无论是出行还是购物,因为有了其它支付人为其背书,他们的各类支付也会更为方便。
  5. 一些特殊情况下,比如一个老年人在路上出现昏迷等意外情况,医院等公众机构可以通过二维码,快速找到其亲戚及朋友,并完成救助费用的支付,帮助其得到及时的救助。


1. 安全支付问题,如果出现大额度支付,或者反复、恶意地支付,支付信息及款项会发送第二支付人,第二支付人会主动确认支付信息,即便如此,仍有可能出现安全支付问题,比如用户帐号信息在网络上被恶意破解、在实体服务机构,个人信息被恶意伪造。但是,实体的支付方法,也会有同样的问题存在,所以,安全风险并没有额外增加,并且由于基于社交网络,恶意造假的行为会相应降低。 2. 各类硬件需要增加成本,但是目前的第三方支付机构在二维码支付上已经做了相当多的工作,本身并没有造成过多的成本增加。 3. 支付凭证问题,由于涉及多方支付,可能会涉及支付凭证问题,对于第三方支付需要额外的技术去解决支付凭证的准确性问题。 4. 对某些人来说,仍有一些接受困难,包括安全信任问题、缺少终端设备。
