TPAC/2011/Building Apps in the Cloud

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< TPAC‎ | 2011

Building Apps in the Cloud

Exact title may be provided later.

MCF proposes this title: "Building Apps in the Cloud" ST agrees with the title (changed already)

Chaired by: Said Tabet and Marlin Pohlman, EMC

Cloud computing is a major topic

  • potential speakers: Microsoft, Cisco,, Amazon?

Cloud computing is changing the way companies procure IT infrastructure. Utility computing will also impact individual and company to company interactions. The session will explore and highlight current effort to deliver standards-based Cloud application development environments. We want to discuss new and emerging software development methods taking advantage of the elasticity and inherent virtualization capabilities of the Cloud, social software development, and methods such as REST APIs, Mashups, etc.

We also suggest to have a panel discussion that will also include application security as this is a major issue in Cloud adoption.