How was your TPAC week? Tell us via the TPAC survey by 8 December 2013.
On Wednesday, 13 November, we hold a "Plenary Day." As we did for TPAC2012, we will organize most of the day as "camp-style" breakout sessions. The TPAC2013-Committee is planning the day. We invite you to add to or comment on TPAC2013/SessionIdeas . The people at the meeting that day will build the #Session_Grid, drawing from ideas socialized in advance and new ideas proposed the day of the meeting.
Questions? See the FAQ.
Plenary Day Schedule (Minutes)
Plenary sessions take place in Wuzhou Banquet Hall, 2F, Building A. Breakout sessions take place in nearby rooms.
- 08:45-09:00: Welcome — Jeff Jaffe, Wu Yi Huan (Vice-Mayor of Shenzhen), Prof. Jinpeng Huai (Beihang Host), Dowson Tong (Tencent)
- 09:00-09:30: Normative References (Philippe Le Hégaret, Ralph Swick)
- 09:30-10:00: The Document License Experiment in the HTML Working Group (Tim Berners-Lee)
- 10:00-10:30: Break
- Interop Demo with Dan Appelquist (Telefonica), Jonas Sicking (Mozilla), and Jungkee Song (Samsung)
- 10:30-11:00: Toward an Agile W3C Process from the AB (Charles McCathieNevile, Steve Zilles)
- 11:00-11:30: Discussion with the TAG (Dan Appelquist, Peter Linss)
- 11:30-12:00 Open Mic: Q&A for the Director, CEO, and other members of W3C Staff
- 12:00-12:30: Breakout preparation (Ian Jacobs)
- Please take a poll re the proposed Topics and allocate separate time slots for the most popular ones
- 12:30-14:00: Lunch
- 14:00-15:00: Breakouts (see Session Ideas)
- 15:00-15:15: Break
- 15:15-16:15: Breakouts (see Session Ideas)
- 16:15-16:30: Break
- 16:30-17:30: Breakouts (see Session Ideas).
- 17:30-18:00: Sharing results
- 18:30-21:30: Reception, Red Bud Court Cafeteria
Session Grid
[26 sessions]
Wuzhou | Shenzhen (60) | Pearl River (20) | Wutong (30) | Heilong (20) | Yellow River (30) | Taishan (35) | Huangshan (35) | South Sea (50) | Yangtse (50) | |
14:00-15:00 | Web of Things; Rich Tibbettt, Jack Bourhis, Dave Raggett (IRC: #webofthings), summary | Service Workers and Fetch; Anne; session was rather informal, see linked documents for relevant information | Entertain Web with Musical Instruments; Ryoya Kawai (minutes) | Web Payments; Manu Sporny (minutes) | Being a better chair; Charles McCathieNevile (minutes) | Ruby Markup; Robin Berjon, Richard Ishida (minutes) | How to involve Chinese companies in W3C;survey questions;slides; Qiuling Pan(minutes) | Headlights 2014; Jeff Jaffe (minutes) | Paged media, ebooks, and print; Dave Cramer and Bert Bos (notes) | Web Platform Docs; Eliot Graff, Doug Schepers |
15:15-16:15 | HTTP 2.0 Update; Mark Nottingham (minutes) | Update on Offline; Natasha Rooney | Test the Web Forward Next Steps; Rebecca Hauck and Larry McLister (brief notes) | Federate Profile Info; Adam Boyet (Minutes) | How to involve telecos in W3C;slides; Gang Liang (IRC: #teleweb)(minutes) | None | None | None | Second Screen for the Web; Dominik Röttsches (minutes) | How to get things done in IETF; Larry Masinter |
16:30-17:30 | Security; Virginie Galindo and Wendy Seltzer (minutes) | Site Redesign, Ian Jacobs, (minutes) | Testing - Tech discussion of current and future plans; J Graham (minutes) | W3C Process; Steve Zilles and Charles McCathieNevile (minutes) | Better Participation in W3C; Ann Bassetti (IRC: #participate, minutes) | Web Architecture; Alex Russell | Moving forward on Geolocation; Giri Mandyam (Notes) | Media in-band Tracks (#inbandtracks); Cyril Concolato (minutes) | Improving teleconferences; slides; (IRC #improvetelecon ); Hiro and Kensaku Komatsu (minutes) | None |