W3C Technology and Society

The information below was only updated until 30 September 2009, the date on which my Fellowship at W3C ended. You can find my current contact details at my personal site or personal blog.

Last update: $Date:2009-10-01$

José Manuel Alonso - Home Page at W3C

Contact Information

photo José Manuel Alonso
Edificio CTIC
Parque Científico-Tecnológico
33203 - Gijón, Asturias, Spain
Tel.: +34.984.39.06.16
Email: [email protected]

Work at W3C

José came to W3C as a W3C Fellow in January 2007 working in the Technology and Society Domain. José is employed by Fundación CTIC which sponsors his W3C fellowship. The purpose of the fellowship is to understand specific government and citizens' needs related to eGovernment services, identify eGovernment aspects that put Web interoperability at risk, to suggest how governments can deliver better and more efficient services through computer technologies, and to coordinate discussions and actions for possible future efforts of the Consortium in eGovernment. This effort is being tracked at the public eGovernment at W3C page.


José is currently the eGovernment Lead at W3C. Prior to joining W3C, José was the Manager for the W3C Spain Office for three years and also served as the Advisory Committee Representative for CTIC (host of the Spain Office).

José has broad experience in project management, software integration, customer relationship, PR and IT consultancy. He received Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Masters degree in Enterprise Application Integration, both from the University of Oviedo, where he also worked at its Research and Innovation departments as a researcher, developer and lecturer. He also worked previously as consultant and even founded his own Web company back in 1997.


Recent and upcoming

7 July
José Manuel Alonso participates at a panel entitled "Acceso a la Información Pública y Redes Sociales (Access to Public Information and Social Networking Sites)" at the "V Congreso Internet, Derecho y Política (5th Internet, Law and Politics Conference)" on Tuesday, 7 July 2009, in Barcelona, Spain.
18 June
José Manuel Alonso gives an invited talk on behalf of the Spain Office entitled "La reutilización de información del sector público y la Web: Open Government Data" at the "Jornada #admin20 en Internet Meeting Point (#admin20 event at Internet Meeting Point)" on Thursday, 18 June 2009, in Gijón, Spain.
16 March
José Manuel Alonso gives an invited talk entitled "Open Government Data" at the "Public Services 2.0" on Monday, 16 March 2009, in Brussels, Belgium.
12 February
José Manuel Alonso participates at a panel on behalf of the Spain Office entitled "Innovative Uses of Mobile ICTs for Development" at the "II International Meeting on ICT for Development Cooperation" on Thursday, 12 February 2009, in Gijón, Spain.


Talks in 2008

28 November
José Manuel Alonso gives a keynote on behalf of the Germany and Austria Office entitled "Towards eGovernment 2.0 through better use of the Web" at the "E-Government-Standards Kongress" on Friday, 28 November 2008, in Berlin, Germany.
6 November
José Manuel Alonso gives a keynote entitled "Improving government through better use of the Web" at the "Seminario Internacional de Usabilidad y Accesibilidad para la Web 2008 (International Seminar on Usability and Accessibility for the Web 2008)" on Thursday, 6 November 2008, in Monterrey, Mexico.
2 October
José Manuel Alonso participates at a panel entitled "Working Across Borders" at the "OASIS Open Standards Forum" on Thursday, 2 October 2008, in London, United Kingdom.(see abstract)
This talk introduces briefly the eGovernment Activity at W3C, how it's evolving, and the expectations of the public sector from standards development bodies like W3C and OASIS, and the prospects for mutually supportive collaborative action, focusing on the cross-border cooperation and data exchange dimensions.
26 September
José Manuel Alonso gives a keynote entitled "Improving Access to Government through Better Use of the Web" at the "2nd International Conference on Methodologies, Technologies and Tools enabling e-Government" on Friday, 26 September 2008, in Corfu, Greece.
4 June
José Manuel Alonso gives a talk on behalf of the Brazil Office entitled "Towards eGovernment 2.0 through better use of the Web" at the "W3C Brazil Office Public Launch" on Wednesday, 4 June 2008, in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
2 June
José Manuel Alonso gives a talk entitled "Towards eGovernment 2.0 through Better Use of the Web" at the "W3C Workshop on the Role of Mobile Technologies in Fostering Social Development" on Monday, 2 June 2008, in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
21 May
José Manuel Alonso gives a keynote on behalf of the Australia Office entitled "Towards eGovernment 2.0" at the "eGovernment Forum at CeBIT" on Wednesday, 21 May 2008, in Sydney, Australia.(see abstract)
eGovernment services are achieving the highest levels of sophistication ever. Several countries are at 100% of online availability and close to perfectly sophisticated services but even so, their usage is not taking off and some good old problems are still unsolved. This talk will review the challenges that governments are still facing and propose ways to tackle them by using open standards, improving transparency and participation and achieving seamless integration of data.
19 May
José Manuel Alonso gives a keynote on behalf of the Australia Office entitled "Improving Government through better use of the Web" at the "Web Directions South: Government" on Monday, 19 May 2008, in Canberra, Australia.(see abstract)
It’s no secret that just as the web has revolutionised business, the media, and many other parts of our lives, it is also revolutionising how governments and citizens interact, and how government provide services. But how to do it well is still something of a black art. In this keynote presentation, the lead of the W3C's eGovernment initiative, Jose Manuel Alonso, looks at the opportunities the web provides governments, the challenges, old and new, the web poses, and the role of the W3C in helping to develop underlying, interoperable technologies with which to build these services. Jose's presentation will cover best practices and methodologies for providing eGovernment services, and look at case studies of how governments and communities are connecting via the web around the world.
16 May
José Manuel Alonso gives an invited talk on behalf of the Australia Office entitled "How to make the most out of eGovernment" at the "Web Standards Group Meeting" on Friday, 16 May 2008, in Sydney, Australia.
15 May
José Manuel Alonso gives an invited talk on behalf of the Australia Office entitled "How to make the most out of eGovernment" at the "Web Standards Group Meeting" on Thursday, 15 May 2008, in Melbourne, Australia.
24 April
José Manuel Alonso gives a talk entitled "Improving Access to Government through Better Use of the Web" at the "W3C Track, The 17th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2008)" on Thursday, 24 April 2008, in Beijing, China.
31 January
José Manuel Alonso participates at a panel entitled "TIC y Gobernabilidad" at the "Cooperación al desarrollo 2.0 (Development Cooperation 2.0)" on Thursday, 31 January 2008, in Gijón, Spain.
24 January
José Manuel Alonso gives a lecture entitled "Hacia una mejor Administración mediante el uso de la Web (Improving Government through better use of the Web)" at the "Entrega de Insignias de Oro del CITIPA (CITIPA Awarding Ceremony)" on Thursday, 24 January 2008, in Oviedo, Spain.
23 January
José Manuel Alonso gives a talk via Webcast on behalf of the Spain Office entitled "eGovernment and the Web" at the "Virtual W3C Seminar" on Wednesday, 23 January 2008.

Talks in 2007

29 November
José Manuel Alonso gives a talk entitled "Estándares Abiertos al rescate (Open Standards to the rescue)" at the "Taller de Interoperabilidad e Intercambio de Datos, Tecnimap 2007 (Interoprability and Data Exchange Workshop, Tecnimap 2007)" on Thursday, 29 November 2007, in Gijón, Spain.
17 October
José Manuel Alonso gives a talk on behalf of the Spain Office entitled "How to make the most out of eGovernment" at the "“Webelopers Day” of the Internet NG Conference" on Wednesday, 17 October 2007, in Madrid, Spain.(see abstract)
This talk will review some common problems related to eGovernment on the citizen, government and industry sides and will suggest how governments can deliver better and more efficient services through the use of Open Web Standards and specially Semantic Web technologies improving the overall eGovernment experience
10 October
José Manuel Alonso gives a talk entitled "The increasing importance of Open Web Standards to improve eGovernment" at the "eGovInterop '07" on Wednesday, 10 October 2007, in Paris, France.
21 September
José Manuel Alonso gives a keynote entitled "The Future of the World Wide Web" at the "4th EU Ministerial eGovernment Conference" on Friday, 21 September 2007, in Lisbon, Portugal.(see abstract)
Internet-connected computers and the World Wide Web are revolutionizing the ways in which citizens and governments interact. The Web has become the main channel for Governments to deliver electronic Services to citizens; Web technologies are also playing a crucial role in the relationships between Governments and between Governments and Industry, but are Governments taking as much advantage as possible of the Web? This talk reviews a number of topics about the future of the World Wide Web that could help Governments to make better use of their resources and improve the whole eGovernment experience.
11 September
José Manuel Alonso gives an invited talk entitled "Los retos del gobierno electrónico (eGovernment Challenges)" at the "Evento de Interoperabilidad de Gobierno electrónico (eGovernment Interoperability Meeting)" on Tuesday, 11 September 2007, in Santiago, Chile.
27 June
José Manuel Alonso gives an invited talk entitled "La Web como canal principal para la Administración Electrónica (The Web as the main delivery channel for eGovernment)" at the "Foro TIC Dintel (Dintel ICT Forum)" on Wednesday, 27 June 2007, in Madrid, Spain.
19 June
José Manuel Alonso participates at a panel entitled "Improving the delivery of eGovernment services through the use of Web technologies" at the "Toward More Transparent Government. Workshop on eGovernment and the Web" on Tuesday, 19 June 2007, in Washington DC, USA.
28 May
José Manuel Alonso gives an invited talk entitled "Global eStandards and Web Architectures for eGovernment projects" at the "13th GCC eGovernment and eServices Forum" on Monday, 28 May 2007, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
23 May
José Manuel Alonso gives an invited talk on behalf of the Spain Office entitled "La Administración Electrónica y la Web: una historia de amor? (eGovernment and the Web: an ongoing love story?)" at the "Día W3C en España 2007 (W3C Day in Spain 2007)" on Wednesday, 23 May 2007, in Madrid, Spain.
1 May
José Manuel Alonso gives an invited talk entitled "Improving Access to Government through Better Use of the Web" at the "SOA for eGovernment 2007" on Tuesday, 1 May 2007, in McLean, VA, USA.(see abstract)
Internet-connected computers and the World Wide Web are revolutionizing the ways in which citizens and governments interact. The Web has become the main channel for Governments to deliver electronic Services to citizens; Web technologies are also playing a crucial role in the relationships between Governments, and between Governments and Industry. The World Wide Web Consortium is an international consortium where over 400 Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work together to develop Web standards. As part of its long-range planning, W3C staff are currently engaged in organizing a series of discussions to understand better the needs of Government in deploying current Web standards and the directions that future Web standards should take to best address delivery of Government services. The first of these discussions was a European symposium organized to identify common problems, discuss about possible solutions, and promote sharing and cooperation. Many of the preliminary findings there are applicable outside Europe. These findings will be reviewed during this talk along with near-term plans for additional W3C focus on eGovernment needs.
2 February
José Manuel Alonso participates at a panel on behalf of the Spain Office entitled "Aquiring, Archiving and Retrieving knowledge: the Semantic Web" at the "European W3C Symposium on eGovernment" on Friday, 2 February 2007, in Gijón, Spain