16th July 2003 SWAD-E Tech Meeting
Agenda for SWAD-Europe technical meeting.
- coffee 9.30-10.00am
- start 10.00am-12.30pm
- lunch 12.30-1.30pm
- end 5pm
See also meeting logistics page, W3C password needed).
Note: This is structured in terms of topics rather than workpackages and deliverables, but there is a pretty close correspondence to workplan themes.
Morning session (10-12.30pm)
- (re-)Introductions, Annual Review debrief (15 mins)
- Web Services (work done and extension / interop ideas) - until 11am
- thesaurus (RAL software + vocab stability) - until 11.30
- XML<->RDF mapping work (use cases, RSS/nEcho etc. - look for motivating examples, test cases) -until 12.00
- discussion
Afternoon session (1.30-5pm)
- weblogging (HP progress/demos/plans + DanBri report re RSS/Necho and FOAF developments)
- image annotation
- developer map (Geo info, SVG etc), planning/ideas for next version
- upcoming workshops (databases w/s proposed for November; ...)
- discussion, demos, plans
- We should have network access for demos etc.